Real Guns® - One More Reup. One More Year Before Retirement

I would like to thank the academy....

I apologize for the presence of my noggin, but it seemed appropriate to mark a long winded speech.

Man… I have been doing this for a long time. Real Guns® began as posts made to Usenet newsgroups in 1995, and it became a dedicated editorial section on a Usenet service website in 1998. In 1999, Real Guns®got its own domain and became a digital publication, operating from a dedicated website.

Since those early days, Real Guns® has published thousands of articles under that mark, and thousands more in content written for industry companies. Until five years ago, Real Guns®was typically published monthly. For the past five years, publishing has been, more or less, weekly. To say a lot has changed over those nearly thirty years would be an understatement.

I have met some of the most incredible industry people over the years; high integrity, support without interference, and generous with time. Real Guns® has also been blessed with ongoing support from an incredible group of subscribers. People I have heard from frequently, people who have allowed me the freedom to “talk aloud” about everything from firearms, to personal tragedy and personal successes and just general nonsense.

One day I woke up and realized my grammar was not going to get any better, my jokes were not going to get any funnier, nor my hair any thicker. I write about firearms because their presence is reflective of American culture. People who are strong, honest, hardworking, self sustaining, and independent. People who can look beyond themselves to help others. Good people. And that is who I envision when I sit down to write… OK, and sometimes lunch.

Our last publishing date will be July 1, 2025. That isn’t a typo. Not 2024, but rather 2025, a little more than one year from now. I hate it when services conclude on short notice, and disappoint the people who allowed them the privilege of a successful business.

Annual subscriptions are no longer offered. Current annual subscriber accounts will not auto renew, so there will be no further billing. However, no existing annual accounts will expire through July 1, 2025. So no more payment, but continued access. We want to make sure we take care of you guys, as you made Real Guns® possible. If you have any questions about your accounts, please direct them to

For folks who wish to see current articles, or access the archives, reloading data, or use the firearm calculator set, we now offer a month to month account that allows you to drop in and out of access as you see fit.

That’s all I’ve got, other than to say thank you… and I’ve got to go throw some clothes in the washer.

Joe D’Alessandro
Editor, Real Guns®

Comments appearing below are posted by individuals in a free exchange, not associated with Real Guns. Therefore RGI Media takes no responsibility for information appearing in the comments section. Reader judgement is essential.

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  1. Thank you. Joe, fir the many hours of entertainment and education that you have given to all of us through all of these years!

  2. Sorry to hear this, but as a retired guy I fully understand. Thanks for all the content, thoughts and quips throughout the years. And thanks for the heads up. You’re a class act, Joe.

  3. I second the class act observation. Can’t complain-I’m trying the same transition myself. It does suck to lose top tier gun-writers, but life’s that way. Enjoy your last year at it-I’ll be reading about it!

  4. Joe , I can’t best any of the previous responses other than to say I thoroughly enjoyed so much of your material . I’ll hang in here with you till final sign-off . Retirement is the BEST job you’ll ever have !

  5. Thank you, Martin. Much appreciated.

  6. A rapidly approaching, well earned, retirement. I’ll look forward to your articles for another year, and appreciate that you’ve given your fans and audience a generous warning of the impending change. I know in August of 2025 I’ll miss hearing from you, but wish you all the best.

  7. Joe,

    The day you publish your final article will, for me, represent the end of objective, hands-on tests of firearms, optics and accessories. Your reloading articles are unsurpassed and, along with manufacturers’ manuals, have long been my “must-read” data sources when loading for all cartridges. Thank you. Thank you, too, for your thoughtful and informative responses to questions I have sent you over the years. I’ll keep reading ‘til the end, then wish you good health and, as we say in the Navy, fair winds and following seas.



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