Ruger's Bearcat Shopkeeper

The Ruger Bearcat has been around since 1958; the New Model Bearcat since 2002. Bearcats have been made in various combinations of aluminum and steel, sometimes a combination of both. A Super Bearcat version was produced as a stretched cylinder convertible, chambered for the 22 WMR and 22 Long Rifle. […] [Read More]

Ruger's No. 1 in 257 Weatherby Magnum Part II

The other night, I finally got around to watching Ron Howard’s “In the Heart of the Sea”. There was positive anticipation of giant whales and ocean going sailing ships, based upon previous knowledge of the book, and the deep belief it is almost impossible to make a bad movies about […] [Read More]

Ruger's Power House 41 Mag Bisley Blackhawk Part 2

Swamp People returned sans my favorite swamp people. I took if off the DVD recorder list and the show was subsequently canceled. Magic remote? Possibly. I intend to remove Street Outlaws – New Orleans this evening to see if I get the same result. My wife and I watched the […] [Read More]

Ruger's Power House 41 Mag Bisley Blackhawk Part 1

Ruger seems a company that is in hyper drive when it  comes to new products and near endless configurations of products. Additionally, Ruger has not shied away from the industry tradition of producing exclusive models for larger distributors. The subject Ruger is from such a distributor exclusive run, AcuSport, and […] [Read More]

The Ruger American Pistol Pro in 45 Auto Part I

Baked breaded chicken thighs are on tonight’s dinner menu, so it is already an eight on a scale ten kind of day. Dinner selection is part of breakfast table conversation, which is ironic in that breakfast menu determination is made at the dinner table. Why all of the meal banter? […] [Read More]

The Ruger American Pistol Pro in 45 Auto Part II

About a hundred years ago, when I had some association with ad production, the selected agency would be given access to a product with the hope it would be presented in a way that illustrated its virtues. Unfortunately, the output would sometimes be similar to the above, which played to […] [Read More]

The Ruger Silent-SR'd American Rimfire Part I

It’s April in Maine. A few days ago the overnight temperatures were in the 62ºF to 68ºF. Last night that range dropped to 30ºF to 38ºF and in the morning there was snow on the ground. Maine is a pretty state with lots of woodland and mostly interference-free living, but […] [Read More]

The Ruger Silent-SR'd American Rimfire Part II

The idea was to shoot the Ruger American Rimfire with the Ruger Silent-SR, but it seemed better to drag in another product for reference. So not a comparative piece, just a “point out the differences” piece. Above, Ruger’s Silent-SR on top and Advanced Armament’s Aviator 2 beneath. All sorts of […] [Read More]

Ruger's Target Barrel 10/22 Takedown

It was PlayStation 4 that brought me to a state of Mindfulness Meditation. Escaping reality in the broader strokes, living within the confines of  Dragon Quest Heroes, I was able to achieve Thales dictum, “know thyself”; an old guy wearing sweat pants and t-shirt, focused and committed to slashing and […] [Read More]

Ruger Enhances Its Precision Rifle

After spending a good deal of time with 243 Winchester, 6.5 Creedmoor and 308 Winchester versions of Ruger Precision Rifle following its introduction, I was curious to see how Ruger would enhance this product. The Precision American is an exceptionally accurate rifle in all calibers, it is a very intuitive […] [Read More]