Warning: Bullet selections are specific, and loads are not valid with substitutions of different bullets of the same weight. Variations in bullet length will alter net case capacity, pressure and velocity. Primer selection is specific and primer types are not interchangeable. These are maximum loads in my firearms and may […]
Author: by ©RGI Media, Inc - Published with permission
Marlin's 1895 Trapper 45-70 Gov't
The snow is gone, with the exception of drift accumulation, and now it is easy to see what outdoor work needs to be done. I don’t mind. It puts me out in the fresh air and makes it easier to get in those ten thousand steps each day without […]
Performance Center Thompson/Center Long Range Rifle Part 1
Winter is barfing up its last feeble attempts at snow, the thermometer no longer reads “You don’t want to know” and Maine is heading convincingly and confidently into spring… or as we call it, mud season in Maine. No longer do I have to put my 29″ inseam legs through […]
Performance Center Thompson/Center Long Range Rifle Part 2
We are approaching mud season, but we’re not quite there yet. What does that mean? There is still a couple of feet of snow in the yard and throughout the woods but, unlike a week ago, it is no longer a solid surface of frozen snow over ice. Now, when […]
Marlin's Model 336C in 35 Remington Part I
Marlin’s first production repeating lever action rifle was the Model 1881; tubular magazine fed, top ejecting and chambered for the .45-70 and .40-60. The Model 336 came along in 1948 and remains a popular design, showcasing Marlin’s most distinguishing features. The Model 336 is a closed top receiver, round breech […]
Remington's Model Seven HS Precision Part 1
The Remington Model Seven is a truly useful product. While long barrel, match weight 6.5 Creedmoor rifles are terrific for 1,000 yard competition and downing pronghorn at similar distances, most Americans do not have access to or frequent long range shooting facilities or hunt the country’s Western plains states. No, […]
Marlin’s Model 336C in 35 Remington Part II
History and firearms go hand in hand as firearms played such a significant role in way the world developed, both militarily, geographically and culturally. Unfortunately, there is a good deal of mutated history, usually resulting from Internet copy and paste and misinterpretation. Wikipedia is the biggest culprit with its “What […]
World's Most Useful Firearm? Part 1
Sometimes, during the course of looking for the next gun, there is a tendency to overlook the one that rides in a belt holster, the one that protects home and one that might best serve as a survival firearm. This is certainly the case with my 357 Magnum revolver. No, […]
Winchester's 270 WSM XPR
I want to say that this rifle makes me want to move to Wyoming, or Montana, or New Mexico and hunt antelope. Especially since Maine’s current political climate has Mainers heading toward commuting on electric powered roller skates and dining on rhubarb and tree bark. I may head out of […]
Ruger's Mini-14 Tactical 300 Blackout Part I
I don’t know exactly, how long a firearm needs to be in production before critics become a bit more rational and bit less cliche. The Ruger Mini-14 is a good firearm. How do I know? The Mini-14 has been in production since 1975 and sold worldwide to sportsman, private security […]