My general perception is that firearm product lines and model names are assigned by Sterling Cooper & Partners in a kick around session with a client company. They run them up a flagpole to see if anyone salutes, they throw them up against the wall to see if they stick, […]
Feature Articles
Ruger's SR45
Publishing on the Internet, in a literary sense of the word, is tough. Production is costly, praise is a limited commodity and criticism is an all day, all you can eat buffet. Still, I wander into work, look at the firearms and equipment in queue and pick what I believe would […]
Ruger's Hawkeye FTW Hunter Rifle Part 2
I like to hunt, but when you live in the woods and see the same animals all of the time, you tend not to want to shoot them. They just don’t look as good on the dinner table. So we tolerate one another and they are gracious enough to yield […]
Ruger's Precision Rifle Hybrid Muzzle Brake
Recently, I was putting in some range time with a T/C Compass chambered for the 30-06 Springfield. Weighing seven pounds and a bit, the 30-06 Springfield was hardly a canon, but sixty rounds into the session I was beginning to feel a little banged around. The Compass is threaded for […]
Ruger's Nifty Mark IV 22 LR Pistol
If there was a Ruger philosophy represented by the launch of the new Ruger Mark IV Target pistol, it would have to be “Keep improving and listen to customers”. While the Mark IV bears many outward similarities to the highly successful Mark III series, the Mark IV’s refined design brings […]
Ruger's LCP II 380 Auto
The more I poked at and shot the LCP II, the more I realized how little it has in common with the original LCP and how many refinements the little pistol has received both inside and out. As an example, the LCP II is a true single action autoloader; no […]
Ruger's 44 Magnum Carbine
Ruger 44 Magnum Carbine Manufacturer Ruger Point of Origin Southport, CT Action Gas Operated Short Stroke Piston Caliber 44 Remington Magnum Magazine Capacity 4 Barrel / Contour *18.25″ Twist Rate 1:38″ 12R Barreled Action Carbon Steel Metal Finish Blued Scope Mount D&T Trigger Two Stage Trigger Pull 5 Lbs 9 […]
Ruger's American Rimfire
As I’ve grown older, I notice there are more bitter, sweet moments in life. Most recently, it was the last pork butt of the season to pass through the smoker. The plan was to put the butt in the smoker at 6 AM. Unfortunately, caught up in morning distractions, I […]
Ruger's American Pistol 9mm Goes Compact
My wife and I keep talking about retirement… You know, not working seven days a week and pursuing some leisure time activities. Maybe get a small boat so we can lake fish every now and then… maybe work on a little hotrod we can drive on the weekends or even […]
Remington Model 700 CDL Classic Deluxe Part II
It’s very difficult to write about some rifle and cartridge combinations. There are those that take a few days to figure out – the circumstances for their use and who the manufacturer had in mind when they committed to production. Other times, answers to those questions are obvious. Then there […]