02/19/2023 – Optimizing combinations is essential to devising a system that is greater than the sum of its parts. Aristotle? Sure. Why not? Or… or… we can go with what is before me, spicy pork rinds and Swiss cheese. The pork rinds are tasty and have virtually zero carbs. However, […]
Feature Articles
Uberti's 1873 Cattleman II El Patrón Competition
Sometimes I feel nostalgic, longing for the good old days. Why? I don’t know for sure, but the desire to do so typically follows opening an envelope containing a property tax bill, or making a payment for heating oil, or buying diesel for the tractor… or watching cable news. Sometimes, […]
Best Cartridge In The World! Maybe In The Universe!
02/05/2023 – If you’d like to skip the long winded winter fitness soliloquy, feel free to jump to the sub title “Best Cartridge In The World? Maybe In The Universe?”. Otherwise… It had been a very difficult week. The plan was to set up a small (AKA cheap) home gym […]
Proof Positive Ruger Makes An Excellent AR
01/29/2023 – So, another day in Maine, another snow storm. Not bad… a little bit like playing Pacman with a snowblower. Today was a break. A day to reflect, stop whining and get the right mindset for tomorrow’s storm, which should dump another 14″ of snow. Funny how snow on […]
Brain Breaks And Junior High Wood Shop Remembered
01/22/2023 – Two days of snow clearing. I don’t mind. It was only a foot deep and buzzing around on the tractor, blowing snow, gives me time to think. One of my early jobs was working at a heavy earth moving equipment manufacturer, Nelson Iron Works, in Clifton, NJ. A […]
Performance Center™ M&P®9 M2.0™ Competitor™
1/15/2023 – OK, I am a heater hugger. Collecting chronograph data and accuracy data today, with the temperature hovering at 10°F, caused me to grow much more fond of My Buddy… as in Mr. Heater’s Mr Buddy 19,000 BTU propane space heater. The routine is to warm up next to […]
Ruger's Security 380
01/08/2023 – New Year’s Day has passed. Visiting family has gone, however, the house is filled with great tasty food that does not appear on an OK food list my doctor threatened to tattoo on my chest. What ever happened to “First do no harm”? So today was dedicated to […]
Smith & Wesson's Model 442 38 Special +P Revolver Part II
12/31/2022 – Things are not always as they seem. The forecast was for two days of heavy snow fall. Equipment was prepped, I got up around 5:30 AM, put on my snow clearing gear and walked outside to 1/4″ of snow on the ground under black skies, but no more […]
Smith & Wesson's Model 442 38 Special +P Revolver Part I
I like my primary physician. Smart guy, pays attention, very much up to date and always there in a crisis. Usually, I go for an annual physical, then get my labs done and leave quickly before he gets the results. He sends me email and calls, alerts and alarms, regarding […]
A Manageable, Compact, Concealed Carry Revolver
1/11/2023 – I received some email questioning Skippy’s status. He is alive and well, front snow blower and three point hitch ballast mounted, and on snow storm alert duty. At the moment, I am waiting on some 4.5mm male bullet connectors so I can wire the two rearward facing […]