I absolutely agree with the author of a recent e-mail, who suggested that a white gas powered Colman stove, and heavy cast pot, is a better set up for wheel weight reclamation work than the Lee melter. The melter’s small reservoir and its need to be operated with clean material […]
Feature Articles
Casting bullets and selecting fire extinguishers Part II
You wouldn’t think that “lead”, such a basic component of bullet casting, would be offered in so many forms. Pure lead is too soft for bullet material, and pure lead has some properties that make it less than idea for casting. The addition of modest amounts of tin and antimony […]
Casting bullets and selecting fire extinguishers Part I
Many, many…many years ago, in a place called, “New Jersey”, I did a lot of pistol and rifle shooting at indoor ranges. The ammo I purchased and fired at the range, carried a light powder charge, a soft cast bullet and made clouds of acrid smoke and lead, in an […]
Springfield takes on Springfield And The Winner Is...
Among our most respected modern makers of 1911 handguns is Springfield Armory. Springfield came into the market at exactly the right time, when Colt had given up the lead in 1911 sales and seemed in danger of giving up altogether. GI .45s suitable for modification or hard use were becoming […]
Slap Maxwell's girlfriend Judy, or.... selecting a mini lathe
The other day, I was leaning back in my chair, hands clasped behind my head, running through a quick mental inventory of things I know, and areas of knowledge I may still need to explore. I instantly recalled that Slap Maxwell had a girlfriend named Judy, yet I completely drew […]
+P Loads for the .45 ACP
Not for the faint hearted. Those were my thoughts one hundred rounds into the evaluation. I flexed my fingers and began another firing string. It would not be fair to any involved to develop a flinch or milk the trigger at this point. I knew I was firing powerful, highly […]
Ruger's No. 1 Tropical 450/400 3" NE Part II
OK, Joe, so why not show the entire rifle since it is such a nice example of a Ruger No.1 Tropical? I believe most people who have handloaded and shot… peppy cartridges such as the 450/400 3″ Nitro Express, that are intended for big and dangerous game, can understand how […]
Winchester's Model 70 Safari Express - 416 Rem Mag Part 2
Yes, I am neglecting a number of other projects so I can play with… I mean work with, the Winchester Model 70 Safari Express rifle and the 416 Remington Mag cartridge combination. There are bullets to fly, recoil to absorb and paper targets to stop in mid charge. It has […]
Future wildcats, real and imagined - The 6mm and .257 WSM
I had a great time putting together the .358-378 RG this past year, and it of course was gratifying to have the cartridge perform to expectations. The project was accomplished with a relatively inexpensive rifle, the Ruger No.1, and because there was no bolt face to machine or mag well […]
Cheap Knives and Other Benefits of Fishing
I am what in the world of sport fishing is known as a master vertical caster. It took me years to perfect the technique, however, I was eventually able to drop a lure, or live bait of any type, reliably within a 6″ circle. The technique is not without its […]