I know that reloading has been covered many times, by many people, with far greater expertise. What I would like to do, is cover the subject more as a person working through the process for the first time, rather than an expert with all of the answers. If I could […]
Feature Articles
RCBS Trim Pro™ Power Case Trimmer
Case trimming is essential to producing high quality, safe handloads. Cases that vary in length can prevent proper die set up and misplace the crimping position. Furthermore, cases that are too long can be dangerous. Jammed against the chamber throat transition, the case mouth can grip the bullet to an […]
Hot New Products for Christmas 2000 !!
.700 Weatherby Magnum .224-378 Weatherby Magnum Weatherby announced it’s long overdue response to, who they refer to as the “Beltless Wonders”. The new .700 Weatherby, based not so loosely on the 20mm cannon round, tosses a 1000 grain bullet out of the new Weatherby Mark VII at 3600 fps. The […]
Chronographs for Handloaders
My Pact chronograph met an untimely, well maybe timely demise a month or so ago. Ruthlessly shot several timed though it’s little inverted sensors, it struggled to continue giving readings, but eventually passed on when its battery gave out. All attempts to revive it proved to be futile. R.I.P. My […]
Coming Soon - New Products for 2001
Each year, around Christmas time, Real Guns pulls out all of the stops, and uses it’s incredible public opinion forming clout to shake early release product information out of the industry. This year is no different. Some of these items may be startling, unless you’ve been paying attention to product […]
Glock anti-gun posture
Extracted from – NRA-ILA FAX ALERT Vol. 6, No. 39 10/8/99 RECKLESS LAWSUIT DISMISSED “WITH PREJUDICE” UPS CHANGES SHIPPING POLICY In a move that likely will add up to $25 to the price of each new handgun, United Parcel Service (UPS), the world’s largest package distribution company, has stopped delivering […]
Thanksgiving 2000
It’s Thanksgiving morning, and the bird will go into the oven soon, family members will start trickling in around noon, and it will be a good day. Still, there is something different about the holidays, the same thing I noticed on the 4th of July, then again on Columbus day. […]
It's a sling...no, it's a Lateeego
I can always tell when I get a gun and all of its ancillary equipment just right. The parts all fit and look right together, and the result is a good looking functional piece of equipment, not unlike most of us…just prior to high school graduation. There are lots of […]
Life after Leupold - Warne
I have lots of guns that make lots of noise, which collectively can deliver megatons of energy. None are a first choice for a casual outing, nor are they the first choice for new shooter indoctrination. I thought it might be time to put together a fun gun, one I […]
Hornady - improve your RCBS equipment
I don’t know about you, but I often find myself wondering how companies can make products that are exceptional in one respect, and incredibly lacking in another. Okay, so I’m the only one who has had this thought. Anyway… Lately I’ve had the opportunity to use some Hornady equipment, which […]