12/09/2019 So we are in that spot between Thanksgiving and Christmas. A little snow, a lot of cold and just a touch of panic over holiday shopping and festivities. It’s tough to have conversations with grown children about travel, or our unwillingness to travel. We love our children, we love […]
Feature Articles
Penetration Tests - Beyond Ballistic Gel
I was thinking about ballistic gel testing… then I thought about the degree of crunch in the Special K Pumpkin Spice cereal I was eating…. then I thought about technological singularity… which of course caused me to think about the coming sentient AI Apocalypse… which eventually took me back to […]
The Ruger 77/357 357 Magnum
11/25/2019 Pete sat with his elbow on the breakfast table, his chin resting in his left hand, sipping from a cup of black coffee, and waiting for the last remnants of sleep to leave him. His wife across the table, smiled, extended a hand to his, squeezed gently and asked, […]
Ruger's SP101 357 Magnum In Basic Black
11/21/2019 Thanksgiving is fast approaching. Close enough to start a refrigerator thaw on the turkey and to appreciate a bit of weather warm up that will have the snow off the ground by the time the day arrives. It will be a day with close friends, relaxed and focusing on […]
The Ruger Hawkeye Hunter in 308 Winchester
November 15, 2019 I’ve been thinking about loss of memory lately. It is a topic of discussion on many TV shows from dramatic productions to the evening news, so it is difficult to escape. Most every adult has a brain fart every now and then and each occurrence tends to […]
Winchester 1873 and the 44-40 WCF Part II
November 10, 2019 Fall was certainly brief and summer is already a distant memory. The shop stove was lit yesterday when the inside temp hit 40°F and the first winter snowfall is forecast to begin this afternoon. This morning there was just enough time to get the driveway and walkway […]
Ruger's SR1911 45 ACP
The 1911 45 ACP is my favorite handgun type. It has a perfect grip size, shape and angle, perfect balance with a five inch barrel and its power instills confidence in any shooter. Simple in design, rugged and reliable in operation, they are as much fun to shoot and modify […]
Ruger's 9mm LC9 Ultra Compact Boomer
When Ruger introduced the LCP, after I had the chance to garner some shooting and handloading experience with the gun during a product review, I bought one… Then I bought another one for my wife. The LCP is a slick little gun that meets the objectives of a reliable and […]
Ruger's SR-556/6.8 Part II
After handloading a hundred rounds of ammo, and shooting the SR-556 6.8 SPC for accuracy, data collection and handling, I ended up handloading a hundred rounds more as it is a tough gun to put down. If this gun has recoil, I wasn’t able to find it, even though the […]
Ruger's SR-556/6.8 Part I
When Ruger released the SR-556 as their entrance into the very dynamic “Modern Sporting Rifle” market, it was obvious they had no intention of going in cheap, as defined by price or quality and design of equipment. Not only is the SR-556 a standout in regards to features like the […]