Yesterday, while inside and working on handloads, rounding up factory ammo and planning a shooting schedule, the sun was shinning and the outside temperatures was 50°F. Today, when the Stealth Hunter was laid on the bench, the ambient temperature was 11°F and falling with heavy snow soon to follow. Point? […]
Feature Articles
Smith & Wesson's Performance Center M629 Stealth Hunter Part I
It seems enthusiasts have achieved a state of equilibrium when it comes to auto loaders and revolver; they each serve a purpose and they each have their applications and there is some degree of overlap.Subsequently, I will no longer compare high capacity auto loaders to buying an automobile with a […]
Ruger's Precision Rimfire Part II
The weather warmed a bit, making working outdoors and getting around a bit easier… or at least I didn’t get stuck in the snow down range and my wife didn’t have to throw me a line and pull me out with the tractor. On that note… A scope was mounted […]
Ruger's Precision Rimfire Part I
It’s Saturday, the day after a blizzard and the day before scheduled comprehensive roof clearing. The area temperature is -9°F with a wind chill of… Who am I kidding? It doesn’t really matter because I am not going outside. I’m having a lazy guy day; writing, while watching TV… “Manhunt […]
Ruger’s Super Redhawk in 10mm Auto Part 2
This is a wonderful time of year. It is often heard that mature people tend to lose their enthusiasm for birthdays. Not me. My family tends to give me gifts appropriate for a twelve year old; toys, baseball caps and books. I love it. A new game for PlayStation 4, […]
Ruger's Super Redhawk in 10mm Auto Part 1
Writing about the Ruger Super Redhawk, chambered for the 10mm Auto, was interesting. The Super Redhawk was designed as a hunting revolver and it is generally available in 480 Ruger, 454 Casull, 44 Magnum, and the 41 Magnum as a concession to smaller bore acolytes and a bridge cartridge to […]
Ruger's PC Carbine Part II
I am having a heck of time reviewing the Ruger PC Carbine. Sub zero weather, snow storms and an errant HTML table edit that credited the little rifle with Martian origins, an alphabetically nomenclature trigger and a trigger guard fabricated from exotic aircraft aluminum. The cause could have been old […]
Ruger's PC Carbine Part I
I am not a hat guy. My Dad spent too much time hiding his thinning cuoio capelluto, first by always wearing a hat then as a mature man, growing and weaving his hair into a swirling comb-over that under the influence of a stiff breeze took on an almost hypnotic […]
Remington's Model 700 SPS Varmint Part II
Time was spent getting familiar with the subject rifle before handloading. What is an “unfamiliar” firearm? Any firearm that is not owned, handloaded for and shot on a regular basis. Even two of the same model firearms can shoot quite differently with the same ammunition, and handloads for one may […]
Remington's Model 700 SPS Varmint Part I
This morning, my wife and I were on our way to an appointment with our local Chevy dealer, with the objective of buying a new truck. We don’t buy vehicles often, so we try to get what would last and what would best serve in a sometimes severe climate. We […]