01/22/2024 – Ruger’s addition of a 45 Automatic LC Carbine extends the platform’s application flexibility and utility. The 45 Auto cartridge is a proven stopper. Additionally, the LC Carbine partners well with 45 Auto handguns, 45 Auto ammunition is widely available and the 45 Auto is a natural for suppressed […]
Feature Articles
Ruger's Side Folding Stock Mini-14® Tactical Part 1
01/20/2024 – Maine often has polar weather, however, now it is having a bout with bi-polar weather. For the past several weeks, we have had several storms with the same characteristics. The temperature drops into the teens overnight, accompanied by heavy snow fall. At dawn, the temp begins to rise, […]
The 30-30 Winchester Centerfire Rifle Part II
01/14/2024 – Maine weather is playing “Got your nose” with me. Ready for as much snow as mother nature can toss at us norther tribe dwellers, we are now getting windstorms that topple trees and snow melts that cause flooding. That’s OK. The tree fall is next winter’s firewood, and […]
The 30-30 Winchester Centerfire Rifle Part I
01/07/2024 – In the words of Buddy Guy, “It looks like we’re in for stormy weather”. One snow storm is due to arrive this evening, the next is forecast for a Wednesday arrival, both predicted to deliver 12″ – 18″ of snowfall. I can only hope the national weather forecast […]
Winchester XPR Extreme Hunter True Timber Midnight MB Part II
December 31, 2023 – For me, Christmas is complicated; a celebration of the birth of Christ and the giving and receiving of gifts. It is very enjoyable to be thoughtful in gift giving, and to put smiles on the faces of family and friends. I am not big on receiving […]
Winchester XPR Extreme Hunter True Timber Midnight MB Part I
12/24/2023 – I would have to say this week before Christmas has been eventful. A 60 knot windstorm was at the onset of it all. Big trees came down, in very big numbers, wrapping themselves in power and fiber optic Internet lines on their way to the ground. River areas […]
The Ruger American Rifle Generation II
12/18/2023 – So here we are, Christmas is near. If not Christmas, other major religious and cultural holidays. Gift shopping and associated wrapping is done. The tree is up, decorations are in progress, family will soon head up from Texas. Yes, a peaceful time to carve out from angry politics […]
Ruger's Super Redhawk 22 Hornet
12/10/2023 – Early winter, a pretty time for Maine… and, still, a balmy 12°F out there. I like taking pictures, because photographs offer evidence and specifics of change. Photographs are also evidence of constants. This picture perspective has been taken for 20 years. The first year, there was no shop, […]
Ruger's Redhawk
12/03/2023 – I was taking pictures of this Redhawk 4″ Ruger Redhawk, and I got to wondering who specifically has inputs into the final timeless appearance of a firearm. I suppose it could be the lead designer, or generically a design team, but someone has to commit the form as […]
Val Browning's Lever-action Rifle
11/26/2023 – Some day I will take the time to write about the Browning family, particularly those involved in gun making. Yes, they were generations of famous gun designers and gun makers, but they also were philanthropists, deeply involve in serving others out of faith, but also out of a […]