Just because I admit to hearing Joe Cocker’s “You are so beautiful” every time I pick up this this little rifle does not mean I cannot be objective in writing about its distinct, uniquely positive attributes. Honestly, if a person has any sense of aesthetics, history, tradition and craft skills, […]
Feature Articles
Ruger's Guide Gun in 300 RCM Part 1
I notice as I get older, and my sense of hearing has lost a db or two, I sometimes find I am speaking with someone, but we are not having the same conversation. When my wife recently came in from shopping, and said she had picked up some low fat, […]
The Ruger M77 Guide Gun in 300 RCM Part 2
A Leupold VX-3 2.5-8x36mm scope was mounted on the Guide Gun. It is more than enough scope for this combination and not because the cartridge has limited range. I spent most of my early years hunting with fixed magnification 4x scopes, when 6x was considered a long shooting distance scope […]
The Ruger® M77® Hawkeye® African Rifle
For a rifle to be special, it has to do more than cough up bullets on demand. To be special, a rifle has to have some style, some projection of interesting history, some characteristics that piques the imagination. The first iteration of Ruger African was a very nice rifle, a […]
The Ruger SR556 Meets Eliminator II
After a Feinstein – Obama “Disarm America” debacle in the Senate, after a week of listening to the press and liberal politicians screaming in defense of a terrorist bomber’s Constitutional Rights and after hearing Feinstein say with a straight face, “If we do not honor and protect rights guaranteed under […]
Ruger's 10/22 Carbine with LaserMax®
Ruger 10/22 Carbine Point of Origin U.S.A. Catalog # 10/22-RPFLM Type Action Semi Auto Caliber 22 Long Rifle Rotary Mag Capacity 10 Barrel Length 18.5″ Rifling Twist 1:16″ RH Weight 5 Lbs 0 Oz Overall Length 37.00″ Stock Black Synthetic Receiver Anodized Aluminum Barrel Blued Alloy Steel Length of Pull […]
The 375 Ruger Meets the Hornady's GMX
Project rifles often become long term projects. Anyone who owns a firearm and handloads knows from experience that new components are frequently developed that can greatly enhance the potential of any given preexisting combination. Sometimes, the desired combination for a hunting rifle is one that no factory makes; a very […]
Ruger's Redhawk 44 Mag Part 1
Introduced in 1979, the Ruger Redhawk is the result of a design collaboration of Bill Ruger, Harry Sefried and Roy Melcher. Unlike revolvers like the S&W Model 29, the Redhawk was designed from the onset as a hunting handgun. Subsequently, the design focus was on frame and cylinder strength and […]
Ruger's Redhawk 44 Mag Part 2
I wanted to wrap up the Ruger Redhawk review with some brief comments on its shooting personality. The Redhawk is a relatively soft shooting 44 Magnum. I don’t want to disappoint folks who thrive on 44 Magnum drama and trauma, so let’s accept that the 44 Magnum has a lot […]
Ruger's Single-Six .17 HMR Single Action Revolver
If there was ever a single action six shooter that would have been appropriate for use in the movie “Cowboys and Aliens”, it would have been this Ruger Single-Six. A classic single action revolver in 17 Hornady Magnum Rimfire. Ruger Single-Six™ Manufacturer Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. Model/Cat # 0661/ […]