No, RealGuns.Com is not closing its free access. We will continue with weekly updates, as well as access to article archives, ballistic calculators and project handload data. We are, however, adding a subscription service for folks who want to get a little bit more.Subscribers will have access to articles four to five weeks ahead of free access, the capability of downloading high resolution printable copies of articles for their personal use and they will receive a discounted price on all firearms purchased from the RealGuns’ gun shop. Subscriptions will fund expanded firearms’ coverage, advanced do it yourself projects and the freelance writer opportunities.
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Subscriptions rates will be $4.95/Month $29.95/Year. For a limited time, there will be an introductory price of $3.95/Month and $19.95/Year to reward early subscribers for their commitment. These reduced prices will remain for as long as the subscriber elects to maintain an account on a continuing basis.
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