In keeping with the current trend of “short and stubby is good”, Winchester will release a .450 WSM as a replacement within the market niche that rendered the .458 Winchester obsolete. The .450 WSM has got gun writer’s buzzing, early comparisons to even Weatherby’s 224 Rocket indicate the .450 WSM has a distinctive muzzle energy advantage.
Stuffed with a 500 grain Woodleigh WeldCore bullet, in an effort to conserve the almost non-existent case powder capacity, compressed loads of IMR 3031 yield 2034 fps through a 20″ barrel. Winchester’s G M, J. P. Sloem Downs indicated, “Through a very diligent engineering effort, we’ve been able to under perform yet another entire group of existing cartridges, there’s no stopping us now. We are now looking at the other end of the spectrum, and considering a .17 WSM for a Fall 2003 release”.
The first gun chambered for the new cartridge is a Winchester Custom Shop 20″ barrel version of the Model 70 Compact Classic. At 6 lbs, scope and sling included, the new Safari Compact is anticipated to be a attention getter. The 87 ft/lbs of recoil, and enough muzzle blast to start a forest fire, only add to the gun’s personality.
The New Weatherby SGSAKMMRD

Weatherby, hot on the heels of its Super VarmintMaster, Super PredatorMaster, Dangerous Game Rifle, Super Big GameMaster, and the Tactical Threat Response Rifle releases, is introducing the Super Game Shredder Ass Kickin’ Master Mother Response Defender. Weatherby hopes this product, chambered for the classic .44-40 cartridge, will answer the imaginary market demand for over priced guns with exceptionally goofy names, while providing an outlet for yet another Weatherby product made from an ever diminishing allocation of proprietary Weatherby parts. Assembled under the dual supervision of Weatherby’s Chip Labore and Chez E. Parts, the company sees this as yet another progressive step toward the commercial cloning of sheep, and nostalgic firearms design. At least it isn’t a muzzle loader. $3,000 in blued steel, stainless models incredibly higher.
Thompson Center’s Delta Force Muzzle Loader

T/C once again takes the lead in muzzle loader innovation with the introduction of their new Delta Force Magnum. Dubbed by the manufacturer “The fastest loading muzzle loader…ever”, Thompson made vast design improvements to remove the major obstacles associated with these types of firearms. Bore scrubbing between rounds, and long labor intensive after shooting session clean up, have become a thing of the past with the introduction of Thompson’s new black powder equivalent “Re7 Smo-Class”. The Delta Force Magnum also comes with a new speed loader design. Made from brass, the speed loader holds propellant and projectile in a tightly integrated and weatherproof case. The base of the speed loader serves double duty as the gun’s ignition system, holding one large rifle primer within a weatherproof recess. The Delta Force’s falling block lever system opens at the breech end of the barrel. This can only prove helpful, as the base of speed loader has a wide rim to aid finger gripping when loading, which would be very difficult to force down the gun’s muzzle.
Thompson advised that future versions of the Delta Force may hold several speed loaders in a convenient well in the stock, and there will be a line of handy bench tools to assist in speed loader assembly. Still, it is amazing how muzzle loader hunters can be successful with such primitive equipment.
Best wishes for a happy and safe Christmas and New Year.
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