I think this part was needed to round out the Marlin Model 1894 44 Mag project. Cast lead bullets have always been a large part of handloaders’ and hunters’ arsenals and Cast Performance product has been one of the consistently cast products from good mold designs. These particular cast bullets have a stubby ogive that results in a compact overall length for clearance in revolver cylinders and rifle tubular and rotary magazines.
Cast Performance product is heat treated to make them tough and deep penetrating without being so hard that they shatter on impact with bone. The alloy is consistent in composition and the bullets run true to spec dimension and weight. That means a lot to handloaders who put in time developing accurate load combinations.
Bullet | Weight Grains |
Type | Bullet Length “ |
Seat Depth “ |
COL “ |
Cast Performance | 255 | WFNPB | 0.690 | 0.355 | 1.620 |
Cast Performance | 275 | WFNPB | 0.742 | 0.355 | 1.670 |
The increase in bullet weight, 255 grains bumped up to 275 grains, resides above the crimp groove. This extends the COL a bit, but not significantly so, and the shank length is common to both which preserves net case capacity with the heavier bullet. Cast Performance uses Lead Bullet Technology molds, they do not use reclaimed material and bullets are heat treated to a Brinnel hardness of 18 to 21 which makes these bullets hard cast, but not brittle.The 300 and 320 grain 44 caliber bullets have a gas check, but, these do not. The alloy and lube combination is rated for 3,100 fps without bore leading. I use the product in 44 mag revolvers and rifles, as well as heavily loaded 45 Colt handguns and rifles and 45-70 rifles without gas checks and have not seen a leading or a gas cutting problem.
Yes, I did sneak a jacketed bullet onto the table. InPart 2 of this project, accuracy results with the 270 grain Speer bullet was not good, but I felt that there might have been extenuating circumstances of my creation. So more rounds were assembled and added to the cast bullet results included here.
Nothing weird on assembly, no problem components. Charges were not compressed. Before I decided to use Lil’ Gun again, rounds were assembled and shot with IMR4227, H110, Win 296 and Alliant 2400 & 300 MP. Lil’ Gun delivered the highest velocity and best accuracy, so….
And Del Shannon was singing….
I don’t understand younger people, but then I spent the better part of being 15 years old trying to figure out the second line of the chorus of “Runaway” and I am older than Australian zircon. Oh yes… the line from Runaway is “Tears are fallin’ and I feel a pain”, which today would be written as “Why did I get your name tattooed in my ass, you pig?”. I think Donald trump said that. Oh well… Tomāto / Tomǎto. Hopefully Americans will wake up and not elect Donald Trump… or broccoli, to the office of the President of the United States. Sorry, just some “Me time” thinking after the range session.
“I was led to believe lead would lead the way”… Gandhi… John Gandhi… the Teflon Gan
Above, targets shot L-R 255 grain cast, 275 grain cast and 270 jacketed soft point. Three sets of each were fired with very similar results. The Speer JSP 270 grain jacketed bullet redeemed itself in terms of accuracy. As noted in the prior installment, at that time I did not have enough handloads to properly qualify them, so I loaded up a bunch, shot them along side of the cast bullets and they performed consistently as indicated.
The cast bullets that looked so classic in design were outstanding… until I shot them and recorded results more reflective of old time lever action rifle accuracy. Certainly good enough for deer hunting, but not near the rifle’s potential. No, I do not think this is the rifle’s twist rate, as it shot heavier, longer jacketed bullets with an excellent degree of accuracy and the rifling is deep cut Ballard type which should appease even the anti Micro-Groove loonies. Perhaps I should be looking for dark radiation for the answer? In any event, I am done with this subject, at least for a while, so… movin’ on.
The 44 Magnum Rifle Round Part 1
The 44 Magnum Rifle Round Part 2
The 44 Magnum Rifle Round Part 3
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