The quest, since the advent of the M16 and AR15, has been to give these rifles the approximate power of the 30-30 Winchester. The 7.62x39mm, 300 Blackout, 30 Remington AR all do just about that, so please don’t mock my theory. My thought is why not just skip the whole Lego rifle thing and start with a better solution, like a slick walnut and blued steel lever action 30-30 WCF carbine? While the AR smacks of ever changing trends and just built yesterday freshness, the carbine looks and feels like the history of America. I’ve told the story of this rifle before, several times in fact, so I won’t do it again, but I will say we will celebrate the 58th anniversary of our collaboration this Christmas.
Ammunition was assembled using an RCBS full length resizing die set and Lee Precision factory crimp die. Full length resizing was done because the 30-30 Winchester case is relatively flimsy and stretches quite a bit and because I also use my 30-30 WCF ammo in my single shot T/C pistol. All bullets have cannelures and the cannelures were used to set seating depth. All loads cleared rifling and all cycled and fired without incidence. Pressures were held to CIP standards, or 46,412 psi.
For folks used to seeing 1/4″ groups out of every rifle making an appearance on the Internet, accuracy may not look that great, but this is about as good as it and rifles like it actually shoot and this one has seen a great deal of use. Accuracy is more than sufficient for deer, bear and hogs.
The powder selection was easy; these work and have for a long time. Newer powders were also tried, but none demonstrated a level of performance to displace the two noted here. Most of the newer powders I’ve tried recently tend to run higher in pressure without a comparable increase in velocity.
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