Weatherby's Mark V Sporter Part I
The Weatherby Mark V Deluxe is a beautiful rifle. From the varmint/ deer hunting .240 Weatherby to the elephant thumping .460 Weatherby Magnum, the Deluxe is flat shooting, hard hitting and accurate. My one reservation, when it comes to hunting with one more routinely, is the thought of dragging $2,400 […] [Read More]
Briley Drop-in fit 1911 Auto Spherical Bushing
This particular Elite Commander has made appearances on Real Guns before and will continue to do so as we sort out exactly what is to be accomplished. If you ever find yourself wondering why a company would put a black IonBond finish over an all stainless gun, this might be […] [Read More]
Savage's Model 116 FCSS 6.5-284 Norma Part II
Rifles have their attributes and features but, in the land of synthetic stocks and stainless steel barreled actions, there is no fancy wood grain or fineness of bluing to give a rifle a unique personality. Subsequently, personality often resides within the combination of rifle and cartridge. In this case, the […] [Read More]
Savage's Model 116 FCSS 6.5-284 Norma Part I
Recently, Real Guns reviewed the Savage’s Model 114 American Classic; took it apart, turned it inside out, shot it and reported on all there was to see. The Classic was defined as a well executed traditional sporter, chambered for a very traditional 270 Winchester cartridge. The combination left me feeling […] [Read More]
Remington's Model 597™ LS HB Part 2
I have to believe that the folks who seem never to have handled a machine that worked reliably, are the very same who swear at a wrench when a fastener won’t break free. To them I can offer, in abridged version of a machine’s perspective – The Secret of the […] [Read More]
Remington's Model 597™ LS HB Part 1
I use to enjoy drag racing. Its handicap class systems offered payout to high buck pro racers and teams, but it also accommodated serious and not so weekend racers. As a family, we worked on our car during the week, raced on the weekend, picked up a few sponsors and […] [Read More]
Remington's Model 1911 Carry Commander Part 2
Changing over from handloading a 58 round per pound 378 Weatherby Magnum to the 45 Auto at 1,400 rounds per pound is interesting. Care in handloading is always required, however, large capacity rifle cases have greater latitude. Handloading for pistols can be quite critical, as they normally operate with small […] [Read More]
Remington's Model 1911 Carry Commander Part 1
The Remington R1 Carry Commander is a recent addition to the company’s R1 line up. Remington has taken its full size Carry model and reduced its barrel length to 4.25″ while retaining all of the Carry’s nifty features. Yes, “nifty”. The original Colt 1911 Commander of 1948 was a 4.25″ […] [Read More]
1911-22 A1 Black Label Laminate 22LR
The Browning 1911-22 has been with us for a few years now, 2011 intro I believe, and it has certainly found a following. If you haven’t had the opportunity to shoot one, you’re missing out. Scaled proportionally to 85% of a full size 1911, the 1911-22 feels familiar in the […] [Read More]
Five Minute Projects That Take Two Days Part 1
I bought an EAA Witness when I wanted a 10mm for projects because it is steel, it has decent barrel length, it seems to function reliably as a standard firearm, and because it is a good looking gun. I shot it for a couple of weeks and began to notice […] [Read More]