03/07/2025 – I’ve been trying to read a bit, as I sort of hate TV. However, even that seems to lead to conflict and discord. The Summa Theologica, Proof 1 suggest that Issac Newton may have plagiarized the work of Thomas Aquinas, work that predated Newton by four hundred years. […]
Author: by ©RGI Media, Inc - Published with permission
The Winter Care And Feeding Of A Ruger GP100
Branching Out. Going Out On A Limb. Taking a Bough? 
02/26/2025 – A heavy ice/snow storm managed to fracture a large bough on a very old walnut tree rooted into the slope next to the driveway entrance. Normally, I would turn a blind eye to the dangling limb until warmer weather came around, or the UPS truck took it down, […]
I've been a little busy... 
02/11/2025 – Funny how, when you are closing up a shop, all of the folks who never supported the effort, or never offered a kind word on your behalf, show up to profess their heart felt concern, but mostly to see what they can get for a penny on a […]
Joe Gets Some New Gear, Handloads And Shoots A Firearm - Part I
01/02/2025 – Just as a catch up, I sat on the sofa and pretended to watch TV for two years, decided to jump start and almost end my life when I decided to renew my interest in motorcycles, Brought my old pickup truck up from Texas during hurricane season, cleaned […]
Christmas 2024 And Hopes For A Kick Ass 2025
12/18/2024 – This is my first solo Christmas since my wife passed in March of 2022. Family came to visit this past year but, with family located out of state… sounds like witness protection, they will not be here this Christmas. My wife and I spent a good number of […]
It's Exciting! It's New! It's Just Like Everything Else?
12/11/2024 – I was going down the driveway, second pass of the morning with the tractor pushing a snow blower, when I noticed my ears were really cold. My goobalini had rolled itself up over my ears and was, again, perched at the top of my head. Bullet head. Bullet […]
The Mr. Coffee Pod Killer
11/28/2024 – I was planning on driving north a couple of hours to celebrate Thanksgiving with friends. Unfortunately, a forecast of 5″ of snowfall local to their area, and the prospects of driving home late at night on bad roads, caused me to cancel. So I am home, turkey bird-less, […]
Serious Chili
11/17/2024 – I am caught up with the season, both current and coming. Yesterday was the last task, removing leaves from around the house foundation and most of the lawn. This wasn’t removing leaves under a now bare maple tree in the middle of the lawn. This was doing penance […]
Winter Is Coming
11/14/2024 – I am just finishing downloading the balance of my pages on Facebook onto a 64 GB thumb drive. I am not sure why, because I will doubtlessly format the thumb drive when the task is completed. And then I will delete all of my Facebook pages. These actions […]
This Could Be The Last Time. Maybe The Last Time. I don't Know... Part 2 (URL is definitely correct this time!)
10/27/2024 – Just walked back from the mailbox. Every little bit of exercise helps. Those leaves did not spend a whole lot of time in their colorful transition from green to the pile on the ground autumn brown. I intended to toss the camera gear in the truck and drive […]