The following list represents some of the more helpful locations on the Internet. This means they not only provide a web presence, but they provide either phone or e-mail tech support. There are tons of other locations that can be easily sourced by using any search engine under “reloading”, “shooting […]
Author: by ©RGI Media, Inc - Published with permission
Moose Nuggets Maine
I stepped off the plane in California and was greeted with 109°F temperatures. Then after a teeth gritting, shirt sweating, ride down a congested and under construction Rt 101, someone pulled the plug on regional electrical power for a full 90 minutes – commencing at the exact moment I reached […]
Killing Time
I called to order bullets from Hawk. Their product line looks really good, but I can’t deny I was disappointed when I was told it would take two weeks for Hawk to ship .45-70 flat nose and .416 spitzers. I think that level of service works okay for companies during […]
A Big Bore Optical Solution and low cost custom touches
For as much time as I have invested in making proper scope selections, I have to admit I haven’t achieved very good results. Even my 20″ barrel Model 70 Compact has a 4.5-14x44mm scope that’s better suited to a varmint rifle. I am always aware of the gun’s potential exterior […]
The return of the giant .357 Headspace Part I
I’m what you’d call a new gun specialist. Fundamentally, that means I buy guns chambered for new cartridges, gripe about not being able to get ammo, dies and handloading data, then lose interest as soon as those problems no longer exist – only because I have nothing left to complain […]
The return of the giant .357 Headspace Part II - Completion
The “no go” part of the Manson headspace “go” “no go” gauge set showed up from Brownells. I wasn’t sure exactly what information, other than the obvious, it would provide. As a minimum, I knew I would be able to do a quality job of checking out headspace on my […]
There's Big guns and then there's bigger guns - Part I
I don’t know what the fascination is with big bore guns, but I know a lot of people share that fascination. I also know what some people believe is the inference; but I tend to agree with the notion, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar”. Personally, I think the […]
There's big guns and then there's bigger guns - Part II
I just returned from Lake Chabot Gun Club – great day in the country, spent enjoyable time with family, and had an opportunity to break in a couple of new rifles. The day started off with an overcast sky, but by 9:30 or so the sun was out, and the […]
Sunday at Reed's
Sometimes it’s just nice to get a break and spend a few minutes wandering around the gun store. I almost forgot much of the enjoyment of firearms revolves around the purchase of gadgets and odds and ends. Unfortunately, it’s too easy to start off looking for a package of cleaning […]
Installing a Burris Signature Scope
Weatherby rifles are not shipped with ready to use sighting systems, but are prepared for use with a scope. The receivers are predrilled for front and rear mounts, but because of the running changes made to Mark V actions and variety of actions used in Weatherby products, care must be […]