It’s hard to settle down sometimes. I get excited about holidays in a good way. I get angry when I watch national news… in a bad way. Then there is the issue of growing older and reverting to a serious lack of emotional maturity and a never ending search for […]
Author: by ©RGI Media, Inc - Published with permission
The Smith & Wesson Performance Center Model 686 Plus 5"
Maine living is an acquired taste. Winter is still a few weeks off, but we’ve already had our first snow fall. Subsequently, the all of the outdoor maintenance and winter prep has been completed. The tractor is parked in the garage, facing outward; tuned up and serviced, snow chains and […]
Wishing Everyone a Merry Christmas Season & Happy New Year
Christmas is my favorite holiday. The day represents the birth of Christ and, within my life and experience, that is an exceptional occasion to celebrate. It is because of Christ, and the blessing of a wonderful family, no matter the struggle, no matter the loss or the threat, I have […]
Ruger Redhawk 8 shot 357 mag Part II
The Ruger Redhawk has continued to be an opportunity for adventure, exploration and entertainment. I have shot the equivalent of the annual U.S. Defense budget in ammo, I’ve worn out two pairs of shooting gloves and I have not been able to break it… try as I may. The Redhawk […]
Ruger Redhawk 8 shot 357 mag Part I
It is always beneficial to have access to firearms before they are released, if an article is to appear when they are released. Hardware can be tried tested and tortured at a leisurely pace, without much chance of a flaw going unnoticed. With time for assessment, product coverage isn’t reduced […]
Ruger's GP100 Seven Shot 357 Magnum
Well, I was going to announce that Ruger has introduced a new 357 Magnum, seven shot version of the GP100, but apparently they just went right ahead and blurted that out, right there on the barrel. I suppose I could have beat them to the punch by moving this paragraph […]
Remington's Model Seven in 243 Win Part II
Schedules wait for no one, including bad weather… which of course isn’t a “one”, but rather more of a thing. So let’s revise that to “Schedules wait for no one or no thing.. nothing?” Anyway, the rain drill is to set up a chronograph with UV light source under a […]
Remington's Model Seven in 243 Win Part I
Winter is approaching, heavy snow in on the way, and my wife and I were vehicle shopping. Our Ford Escape clicked over 125,000 miles and there is a need for something reliable that will traverse snow and ice covered, pot hole riddled, Maine roads. A truck came to mind. Nothing […]
MOE of Ruger’s AR-556 Part II
I have conceived a theory that suggests nothing really exists. Each of us are but a few atoms united as nanobes, contained in a cloistered green pod, living through a virtual reality of our own creation, drifting about the universe, devoid of any commonality. So when I think the word […]
Winchester’s Traditional Model 70 Sporter in 270 Winchester Part II
As my wife reminds me, if I don’t want to spend the fall clearing leaves, I should reconsider living in the middle of a forest. Pretty, though… the forest and my lovely wife. In any event, today was as good a day as any to make the hills come alive […]