Introduction I have a .45 Long Colt Ruger Bisley that sees a great deal of use. Dependant upon the handloads I select, I can pack up the Ruger and spend a day at the range, introducing people to shooting sports, without the negative aspects of significant recoil and a lot […]
Feature Articles
The High Price of Snow Removal
My wife and I just returned from Maine, we were there wrapping up some construction on her little yellow farm house and thinking through coming winter weather necessities. The temperature was already dropping, leaves were in the process of turning and the difference between California and Maine weather was […]
Work Area complete and plan for next projects
The past few weeks have been quite an education for me. I finally completed the work area, at least the two important parts; my computer desk and the space that will be dedicated to my reloading bench. In the process, I learned an easy way to make sure power […]
California's Recall Election and the NRA
Over the past few weeks I’ve received e-mail notifications labeled “Urgent!” regarding pending antigun legislation in California. I’ve been requested to write, call, fax and email my state assembly representative and committee chairman, before it is too late, and tell them I do not support these measures. I’ve not noted […]
Setting up a work area
I found there is a significant difference between having a space to work in, versus having a space that is ready to work in. My wife and I have been remodeling our home, and the project resulted in my being displaced from work area. Now we are down to one […]
Hand Priming Tools and Other Forms of Exercise
One of these days I will rewrite my ancient articles that address the subject of handloading equipment selection. I don’t believe much of the original choices would remain, as experience tends to temper judgment and handloading is an activity that forms to the specifics of the effort. One piece […]
A gripping story to catch you off guard
As time goes by, and cost of materials continues to rise, cheap parts make their way into almost everything. Guns, of course, are no exception to the rule when it comes to manufacturing cost reduction. The manufacturers’ savings show up as those misplaced components you notice the first time you […]
Pulling in Different Directions - The Art of Catching Bullets
Handloading is a precise endeavor. At 7,000 grains to a pound, shifts as small as 10 grains of powder or bullet weight could carry serious consequences. If I discover a scale has gone out of calibration half way through a batch of handloads, if I hesitate because my eyes […]
Winchester Model 70 Compact - Scope selection and installation
For all of the scope models on the market, it isn’t all that easy to locate the right product. As an example, last I checked, it’s darker in the woods then in an open field, so why are large light gathering objectives always tied to high magnification scopes designed […]
What the %@!! happened to the site?
If you’ve been a visitor to the Real Guns site, you are probably aware of changes being implemented. Or, if you possess my general level of awareness, you may be oblivious to the whole deal. Based on the amount of e-mail and phone calls, it appears some folks are […]