When I was a youngster, about the age of twelve, there were few factory accommodations for proper length of pull in centerfire rifles. A tough row to hoe if you were “gifted” with short upper arms and more typical lower arms. It’s a genetic thing. The problem is, the stretch […]
Feature Articles
Smith & Wesson's Performance Center® SW1911 PRO SERIES®
06/12/2022 – Chuck’s story. This is Chuck, a 2005 Ford Escape. It originated in California, made the move to Maine, then provided admirable service ever since, even through the worst, sub zero, snow storms. There was that one incident, involving a large boulder in the middle of a field, when…...
Smith & Wesson Shield Plus
06/05/2022 – I have been trying to come up with an original thought, but I have not had much luck. I guess I have resigned myself to the fact I am a composite of my life’s relationships and experiences and no more capable of an original thought than I am […]
Winchester's Model 1886 Saddle Ring Carbine
05/29/2022 – As I get older, I spend more time working the property surrounding our home. Take today, as an example. I spent the morning cutting down some mature pear trees, a small oak and an elm tree to make way for a change in landscaping. Drought and cold resistant […]
Browning's SA-22 Challenge
Yesterday, the morning was spent digging up and pulling out a pear tree by its roots with the tractor’s backhoe. Deceptively large root system for a less than massive tree. Working outside feels really good, even if the result is only being muscle sore or taking a nap. Love this […]
Marlin's New Model 1895 Trapper
I’m itchy. Spring has sprung and the woods are emerald green. So I have been tilling compost into the garden and topping the lawn, while attracting the smallest insects that leave the biggest welts. Today, I got a break. It is drizzling now, but heavy rain is in the forecast, […]
A TALO Exclusive Ruger GP100
05/15/2022 – Why is it TALO and not Talo? Because TALO is an acronym. No, not a giant spider. It is a wholesale buying cooperative operating in Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and the first letter of each of those states is represented in TALO. As they have since 1965, TALO […]
Smith & Wesson's M&P 10mm Auto
05/08/2022 – Funny. You wonder why there is a picture of a tractor and I wonder why you are… wondering. My whole perspective on firearms begins with self reliance. My perspective on self reliance began with parents who believed a person should not ask others to do something they are […]
Stoeger's STR-9S Combat Semi-Auto Pistol
05/15/2022 – The last time my wife and I purchased a car, it was preceded by a major debate. I wanted a Ferrari 812 Superfast and Diane wanted a Ford Escape, so we compromised. We bought a Ford Escape and a Ferrari keychain. The funny thing is, it was a […]
Supersonic – Subsonic Handloading the 7.62×39 Ruger American Ranch Part III
Prologue 04/24/2022 – From my perspective, this project was enjoyable. Handloading is one of those aspects of firearm ownership that appears to hold more narrow of an appeal with each passing year. I guess this is because of how our interests in firearms are so varied; hunting, competitive shooting, self […]