And now, for the least politically correct title of the year…the envelope please…. Nope, this really is the title as found at Amazon and other leading book resellers, and it is appropriate. Still, it does sort of stand out in the midst of the “tough women, sensitive men” titles that […]
Feature Articles
Review: Backyard Ballistics
“Backyard Ballistics” serves as a reminder of misspent youth. I am not suggesting this is necessarily a bad reminder, only that the book is not filled with the type of material you would want to offer to young offspring, relatives or children of friends you look forward to seeing grow […]
Review: The Gunsmith's Book of Chamber Prints
For all of the subjective discussion relating to firearms, there are some some instances when quantitative or objective data is essential. U.S. SAAMI or European CIP standards provides reliable safe pressure levels and circumstances of tests and verification, as well as dimensions for standard chambers and cartridges. The Gunsmith’s Book […]
Review: The Ultimate Guide to Hunting Handguns
People occasionally write and say, “Hey, Joe, I’ve read some of your stuff. Where do you get off reviewing someone else’s work?” Well, that’s easy, I can read much gooder than I can write. And so I persist… This is the part of the review where I typically start complaining […]
Review: The Gun Digest Book of The Glock
In my own defense, I am not a foreigngunmanufactureraphobic; no confessions, no meetings, no getting up in front of a group and admitting to such a problem. In fact, some of my best friends are SIGs. Still, I walked into a gun store, some time during the late 80’s, pick […]
Review: QuickLOAD - March '04 Update
If you handload, and are not familiar with QuickLOAD, you are missing out on a valuable and versatile tool, interior – exterior ballistics predictive software. The program, even in basic application, can predict handload chamber pressure and resulting ME, MV and trajectory based on identification of handload components used, even […]
Review: The Ruger Single Action Revolvers
If you own, shoot and/or tinker with a single action Rugerrevolver, next to bullets, this is probably the most useful product you can buy. This is a Jerry Kuhnhausen Volume 1&2 Shop Manual that covers basically every model and variation of Ruger single action revolver, from the little Bearcat to […]
Review: Johnson Rifles and Machine Guns
Back in the days when ’03 Springfield and 1917 Enfield rifles were sold through mail order and discount department stores outlets, there was another U.S. rifle offered for post war civilian use, the Johnson M1941. To me, the Johnson seemed more of a relic with its oddly widened two piece […]
Review: History of Modern U.S. Military Small Arms Ammunition Volume I 1880 - 1939 Revised
Not being a historian, and not being efficient in learning as a ratio of my time in existence, I find myself frequently confronted with new information. This book was a real eye opener. Did A.O. Niedner really create the .25-06 in 1920, or was he really just restating Franklin Arsenal’s […]
Review: Loading Cartridges for the Original .45-70 Springfield Rifle and Carbine
Recently, I’ve been researching the .45-70 cartridge and related firearms. While I rarely hesitate to write about things beyond the scope of my knowledge and understanding, I do derive a certain amount of satisfaction from having facts at my disposal to serve as page filler. “Loading Cartridges for the Original […]