A number of years ago, as results of a less disciplined life, I became diabetic with an A1C of 11+, complete with arteries that took on the appearance of a clogged oil filter and blood pressure of 1000/Good Grief!. Examining the alternatives, a healthy diet… ugh and exercise.. ugh, became […]
Feature Articles
The Remington V3 Tactical 12 Gauge
09/13/2020 My wife and I were working on our home this weekend and came to a decision point most home owners have at one time or another. Should we mow the lawn or sell the house, buy an RV and move to a vegetarian commune in Patagonia? We compromised, deciding […]
The Browning Citori 725 Feather Superlight
09/06/2020 I guess my life has changed since the Mesozoic Era when I was a young man. Jeans and t-shirts and not venturing far from home have replaced business suits and constant travel. Now, my wife and I poke around in our vegetable garden hoping to spot the fruits of […]
Smith & Wesson M&P®22 Compact - Threaded Barrel
8/31/2020 Ah yes, the cold is coming; mind numbing, soul sucking, frigid air, and butt deep snow. Yes, I do realize I moved to Maine voluntarily, but that was to flee California socialism, an intrusive government, and associated loss of personal freedom. Which, ironically, is about what Maine has gradually […]
Smith & Wesson M&P® Bodyguard® 380
08/23/2020 These days, more Americans are purchasing firearms and practicing legal concealed carry than ever before. Who would blame them? Politicians are running for leadership positions on a hate America and Americans first platform, state governors and big city mayors are working to crush a robust economy and put people […]
The Ruger SR1911 10MM Auto and a Cast of Thousands!...!!
08/17/2020 My wife and I date a lot. Yes, with one another. Something more typical in a fifty three year marriage than one might suspect. Two weeks ago, it was lunch after our consecutively arranged primary physician appointments. Last week it was a post CT scan brunch. In October we […]
Buck Mark Field Target - Suppressor Ready
08/31/2020 Maybe it is just Maine, but it seems that getting things to grow in a garden is easy, but getting things to stop growing… not so much. My wife and I prepped the garden in early spring and went on to time consuming home projects. To say the garden […]
The Ruger Mark IV Hunter V. Squirrel
07/26/2020 Six tomato plants are usually enough for my wife and immediate friends, but this year we got off to a slow start. Moving house grown seedlings to the garden had its casualties, so a restart was necessary. Of the six plants, three yielded tomatoes very quickly, two grew quickly […]
The Ruger Hawkeye Hunter and the 6.5 PRC
07/20/2020 Between 1869 and 1870, Vingt mille lieues sous les mers was published in serialized form in the French periodical Magasin d’Éducation et de Récréation. In 1872, a compilation in the form of a novel was published in English as Jules Verne’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. The story is […]
The S&W Model 57 Classic
07/13/2020 It is a Jackson Browne kind of day. The rain finally subsided, leaving behind rich, wet emerald green Maine. The lawn is overgrown, tree branches are reaching far out from the tree line for the sun, and wildlife has returned to view. Deer grazing on clover, fox snacking on […]