The provenance of the 17 Hornet is often credited to P.O. Ackley, dating back to the early 1950s. However, Ackley states in his 1959 book, “Handbook For Shooters and Reloaders” that other versions predated his .17 Ackley Hornet . Shooters handloading those early cartridges were challenged by a lack of […]
Feature Articles
Weatherby’s Sensational 270 Magnum Part 2
The 270 Weatherby Magnum is like no other 270. It is faster, farther reaching and harder hitting than any other in production 270 cartridge as presented in Part 1. The 270 Weatherby is suitable for hunting everything from coyote to moose and able to close the distance between hunter and […]
Ruger American Pistol – Competition 9mm Luger
03/28/2020 One of the benefits of living in a rural area is being able to shoot without public interaction. We may store our propane in large gray above ground tanks, we may have septic systems and are devoid of sidewalks… we may get our water from a well. And, sure, […]
SilencerCo's System Approach - The Hybrid 46 Universal Silencer
03/23/2020 Above, Ruger 9mm Luger PC Charger with SilencerCo Hybrid 46 silencer attached. Preamble… Okay, maybe preramble Being in the proximity of loud noises seems to have always been a component of my life; the din of manufacturing floors, the whine of large aircraft jet engines, race cars and motorcycles […]
Ruger's Hard Charging, 9mm Luger PC Charger
03/16/20 March 19th is the first day of spring. Interesting as the temperature is 0°F, there is snow on the ground as a result of yesterday’s brief storm. But then the roads are posted, barring heavy vehicles to prevent damage to a thawing road bed, so what do I know? […]
Ruger's 475 Linebaugh No.1 Part II
03/16/20 Not a bad winter in Maine, at least from the standpoint of snow, with significant clearing efforts limited to five or six days. There were a good number of days with temps at or approaching 0°F that inflated heating bills, but none of those negative double digit temperatures that […]
Ruger's 475 Linebaugh No.1 Part I
03/08/2020 The Ruger No.1 holds a unique place of honor at Real Guns®. Because it is stout, reliable and relatively easy to rebarrel, Ruger No.1s served as the basis for wildcat cartridge development, like the 358-378RG with 280 grain 35 caliber bullet zipping along at 3,100 fps. Ruger No.1s wired […]
Cold Weather Beef Vegetable Soup
03/01/2020 My wife and I have an approach to co-op cooking. We agree on a concept of a meal, decide on a recipe, then alter the ingredients we agreed upon when either of us turn our back or look the other way. I like red pepper, my wife likes cumin. […]
Remington's Model 700 Classic Deluxe
2/24/2020 This weekend, there were three things on the must do agenda. The first was filing taxes, the second was a photo shoot for a firearm project on Real Guns and the third was to update our Ford Escape’s software. Yes it is suppose to update automatically, if the car […]
Ruger’s American Ranch In 6.5 Grendel Part II
02/21/2020 Working with the Ruger American Ranch 6.5 Grendel has been a lot of fun. Scoped and silenced, it was tireless at the bench, digesting ammo, putting holes in targets and tolerating without complaint… less than conservative handloads. Yes, comments like that do make manufacturers break out in a rash. […]