Ruger’s LCR, Lightweight Compact Revolver, is the result of designers who were able to set aside preconceived notions and traditional mores, to produce a firearm for a critical mission… concealed carry, self-defense. The LCRx marks the introduction of the first LCR model with an external hammer option for those of […]
Feature Articles
Ruger's GP100 Match Champion
I like the look and feel of double action revolvers… Maybe because they wear more of their mechanical design and function on the outside. Double action revolvers are simple to shoot, even within stressful circumstances; no thumb safeties, no slide releases, no decocking levers.. just point at a target and […]
Ruger's M77 Mark II Target Rifle Part 1
I am a long term competitive shooter. No, not in a organized events sense, but against the harshest critic of all time… me, and sometimes my wife. For me, participating in organized events is about proving yourself to others or measuring your performance in comparison to others. Refining skills, progressively […]
Ruger's M77 Mark II Target Rifle Part 2
These days, firearms seem to exist in two parallel worlds… sort of like Superman and Mr. Mxyzptlk. The first is reality, the second is Internet blather. No, I am not saying that there aren’t credible people posting to message boards and Facebook, but I am saying that 50% of the […]
Stop picking on the Ruger Redhawk!
I like Redhawks. They are tough revolvers that handle stout handloads without complaint and they are more compact than a Super Redhawk. The full grip frame offers some options not available to Super Redhawk peg grip owners and the absence of a frame extension gives the Redhawk classic appeal. I […]
It Was a Redhawk... With Eyes That Glowed
This particular Redhawk shows up on the Real Guns pages with some frequency. It is a personal firearm that I happen to like a lot and shoot well, so I am always tinkering with it to optimize it’s performance. The standard Redhawk sights are excellent; adjustable white framed rear and […]
Ruger's Guide Gun in 375 Ruger
A while back we did a review of a Ruger Guide Gun chambered for the 300 Ruger Compact Magnum, a rifle which proved to have a lot of personality. The Green Mountain laminate stock coloration is actually an excellent form of camo that blends in well with nature, the hardware finish […]
Ruger's Tenacious & Refined LCP
Range testing a current example of the Ruger LCP, I got to thinking about how a firearm’s reputation is establish very early on and how it remains so static in the face of continual design and process refinements. When notice of this article is posted on Face Book, I guarantee […]
Ruger's LC380
The question most often posed when folks familiar with the LCP and LC9 encounter the Ruger LC380, “Why?”… often followed by one of these statements: “The LCP has the same power and it is more compact and concealable”, “The LC9 is the same size as the LC380 and offers more […]
Ruger's Mark III Stainless Steel Hunter
Model Ruger MK III Hunter Point Of Origin U.S.A. Model 10160 Caliber .22 LR Capacity 10 Barrel Length 6.88“ Barrel Contour Fluted Bull Twist 1:16″ RH Rear Sights Adjustable W/E Front Sights Fiber Optics Hardware Stainless Steel Grips Target Laminate Trigger Pull 4 lbs 12 oz Overall Length 11.12“ […]