The Ruger Mini Thirty has grown on me… No, not like a fungus, but rather more like my old hooded sweatshirt that has already given most of its useful life to the washer and dryer. Subsequently, I like to shoot it and tinker with it… the Mini Thirty, not the […]
Feature Articles
Ruger's Mighty Mini Thirty... ish Part 4
You may have noticed our slow drift from firearm reviews to DIY projects. There a reasons for that… While I love to peek and poke at firearms, and burn up as much ammunition as possible, there is nothing like the smell of Tru-Oil in the air, walnut dust up the […]
Ruger's M77 Hawkeye Compact Magnum Part II Handloading the .338 RCM
It takes a little time to figure out the personality of a cartridge before developing associated handloads. There was a time when my SOP was to load everything to maximum barrel frying velocity, with light to medium for bore bullets. It was certainly a simple process, but one that sometimes […]
Ruger's M77 Hawkeye Compact Magnum The good, the bad and the...stubby?
I just finished digging out of the first significant snow storm of the year. It was significant because its 7″ of snow and high drifts were but a prelude to the real storm coming on Sunday. Yea for Maine! Where even the moose are at the airport checking in for […]
Ruger's SP101 327 Federal Magnum Part I A gun for self defense, gentleman gamblers and, maybe, the Maltese Falcon
Now that the warm glow of press releases has worn off the Ruger SP101 .327 Federal Magnum, and message board participants have wrapped up their dueling spec sheet speculative critique of both the firearm and cartridge, I thought it would be a good time to take a look at the […]
The Ruger M77 Hawkeye - 6.5 Creedmoor Part II
I grew up in New Jersey where language, or dialect more specifically, made for some relatively… unique understandings. For example, a number of my teen years were spent hustling street races on what was then known to me as “Route 21, Macarta Highway”. Twenty years later, returning from a […]
Ruger's M77® Hawkeye® Compact Part II
If you caught Part I, you know Batman wrangled free from the Joker and that the RugerHawkeye M77 Compact is an unusual rifle – a very light, well balanced, compact, accurate, short barreled gun. Add in a tough, stabile, weather resistant stock and durable stainless hardware and you’ve got a […]
Ruger's M77 Ultra Light and Standard Bobs
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA[/caption]I’m not sure what happened to Summer. It was hot enough for air conditioning one day, the next, leaves were turning and my wife was already into her fall season blanket stealing routine. As I write this, Geoff and Gary, the Foster brothers, have just finished putting our […]
Ruger Redhawks - A Case of Sibling Rivalry 44 Magnum and 45 Colt - Wilderness Protection
I should have finished this project a week ago, but I was having too much fun shooting both Ruger Redhawks and couldn’t get myself to settle down in front of a computer. The Redhawk is the product of a stout design, its finish is stainless utility, its comfortable Hogue grips […]
Ruger No. 1 .45-70 Test Mule Part 1
I picked up a Ruger No. 1 so I could work up loads for the .45-70 beyond the Maximum Average Pressure limit of the Marlin Model 1895. I’ve been shooting a Ruger No. 1 re-barreled and chambered for the .358-378 RG (a wildcat based on a full length .378 Weatherby […]