Alexa, AKA “Echo” has learned my musical preferences by peering deep into my psyche and taking copious notes of the requests blurted out throughout the day. Now I can walk into the shop, plop into my chair in front of the computer screen and command, “Echo, play” and be entertained […]
Feature Articles
Ruger's LCRx in 22 Mag-A-Num
Lit the gas stove in the shop today. We went from an Indian summer to an abbreviated fall which puts lawn and garden care as a distant memory and lot of equipment prep and snow removal in the near future. Nice time to be out in the woods, enjoying the […]
Ruger's American Ranch 450 Bushmaster Revisited Part II
The Ruger Ranch chambered for the 450 Bushmaster is an exceptionally accurate combination with factory ammunition and with handloads. The only issue with handloads is that bullets intended for rifles rather than handguns are used. These are all spire tipped, long for bore and found as marketed specifically for the […]
Ruger's SP101 9mm Luger
Revolvers with truncated barrels, like this Ruger SP101 with 2.25″ barrel, combined with and modern compact handgun specific ammunition make excellent defensive weapons. Gone are the days of flame thrower emulation, sharply diminished muzzle velocity and bullets that do not penetrate or expand. As the compact firearm has not changed […]
S&W 44 Mag Model 69 Combat Magnum
The other night, I got to wondering how long the shop area light had been in service. A thought which, apparently, triggered some level of subconscious psychokinesis and caused the bulb to burn out. “Blink” and the world was in total darkness. Total darkness, in this circumstance, means living and […]
Ruger's M77 Hawkeye Standard Rifle in 7mm Mag Part 2
Fall is here in New England. Soon the air above will be filled with tourists from other states and other lands, trying to take pictures of the changing foliage from low flying aircraft. Then they will land, buy up the world supply of maple syrup, return home and spread their […]
Ruger's M77 Hawkeye Standard Rifle in 7mm Mag Part 1
For a company that seems able to introduce a new product every few months, rifle and/or handgun, it makes me very happy to see the Ruger M77 Hawkeye continuing to chug away in production. Why? I think the firearm consumer market, at least the portion that is directed at the […]
Four for the Forty-Four Ruger Seventy Seven Forty Four Part II
After defining the Ruger Model 77/44 in part one, it seemed a demonstration was in order, a demonstration with ammunition suitable for hunting medium to larger game. Four component bullets were selected, all within a weight range of 240 grains to 300 grains, three are lead core jacketed and one […]
Ruger's SR1911 10mm Power House Part 2
The first 10mm prototype cartridges were fashioned from .30 Remington brass by turning down the cases, cutting a 45° extractor groove and trimming the case to length. Bullets were .41 caliber Sierra 210 grain jacketed flat points, swaged down to .40 caliber. The work was performed and/or managed by John […]
Four for the Forty-Four Ruger Seventy Seven Forty Four Part I
The 44 Mag is an excellent hunting revolver cartridge, but an even better hunting cartridge for rifles. A revolver has a comparatively short barrel that diminish ballistic potential. A cylinder gap can spit hot gas onto hastily placed hands and muzzle bark is loud enough to bring on a case […]