Spring has sprung and kicked off at least two incredibly enjoyable seasonal activities. The first began with a seven day forecast of rain and hot lapping a tractor pulled aerator over the lawn. This was followed with a brisk jog behind a broadcast spreader, dumping sun and shade grass seed […]
Feature Articles
I like listening to 60’s and 70’s rock ballads. They sharpen the recollection of dreams and aspirations. Each song marking a specific time, a specific event or a specific state of mind. Music reminds me of the people I know, the people I knew; essentially the beginning of all things […]
Marlin's Model 1895 CBA
The toughest guy I ever knew was an Air Force buddy, Jon Durban. Five seven, five eight, maybe one hundred sixty-five pounds, he could drop even a giant jug head with ease. The guy was fierce, fearless and punched like Roberto Durán. Looks can be deceptive and power underestimated. The […]
Bushmaster's ACR Designated Marksman Rifle Part 2
Maine ushered in spring with truly lousy weather; wind, snow/sleet, cold gusting winds and temps ranging from zero to teens. Still, with a heavy forward schedule dictating no further delay, I suited up in winter gear, slogged across a field of knee deep snow and out into the woods to […]
Bushmaster's ACR Designated Marksman Rifle Part 1
Military, law enforcement and professional or personal security applications are all places the Bushmaster Adaptive Combat Rifle can be found in service. Modular in design, quick change barrel assemblies in lengths of 10.5″, 14.5″, 16″ and 18.5″ makes for flexible firepower. Assorted handguards, stocks and triggers allow for optimized configurations. […]
Smith & Wesson Performance Center Ported M&P® 45 Shield
S & W Performance Center Ported M&P® 45 Shield SKU # 11629 Manufacturer Smith and Wesson Point of Origin Springfield, MA Type Striker Caliber 45 Automatic Magazine Capacity* 6 and 7 Round Included Barrel 3.3″ Stainless Steel Ported Rifling 1:16″ Overall Length 6.5″ Overall Height 4.75″ Overall Width 0.95“ […]
Remington 1911 R1 Carry Commander CT
It is cold in Maine; hovering around zero on the Fahrenheit scale, with sharply gusting winds building for a heck of an afternoon range session. A heavy cast iron stove is keeping the shop warm and a bunch of old songs are in queue on my PC. At the moment, […]
Caldwell's Lead Sled® DFT™ 2
My first encounter with the original Caldwell Lead Sled came just about twelve years ago. I was in the middle of a .500 Jeffery handload development project that involved pushing handloads; 600 grains, just under 2,500 feet per second of muzzle velocity and generating just a tad over 8,000 foot […]
Smith & Wesson's M&P 10 6.5 Creedmoor
I always hoped the personality of my writing would develop like the 1964 short haired, clean shaven Leon Russell’s metamorphosis into 1970 long haired, bearded, Mad Hatter topped Leon Russell. Unfortunately, the personality of my work appears to begin and end as a mature Wayne Newton singing “Danke Schoen”. What […]
Browning BAR MK 3 Stalker Part 2
Typically, autoloaders are not a favorite for handloading. They often have operating systems that function reliably within a narrow pressure / bullet weight band, accuracy is not terrific and short action versions are often bolt stroke and magazine length cartridge overall length limited. Fortunately, none of these restriction apply to […]