Part 1 concluded with a cartridge too long / bolt stroke too short conundrum. So I took a break, scratched my head, hickory smoked some ribs, grilled some Gouda and bacon stuffed center cut pork chops and then went on to exercise the only reasonable option that came to mind… […]
Feature Articles
The 44 Magnum Rifle Round Part 1
The Marlin Model 1894 seems to languish in the shadows of the Model 336 and Model 1895. Languish may be a bit strong, but I thought of the word, kind of liked it, and decided to use it somewhat inappropriately. In 1893, L.L. Hepburn revised his Model 1889 design with […]
The Last Old Mauser Part II
My wife’s birthday is this Friday and she said she would like to go out to dinner at a local Mexican restaurant. Unfortunately, the restaurant does not take reservations, the place is mobbed with turistas who are in search of… authentic Maine Mexican food, and the summer help service is […]
The Last Old Mauser Part I
Over the years, I’ve spent a reasonable amount of time with military surplus firearms. Initially, Trapdoor Springfield, 1917 Enfield and 1903 Springfield rifles were being sold for a few dollars each at discount retail stores and the Gun Control Act of 1968 was still more than a decade away. In […]
Browning's X-Bolt High Grade Hunter
Seems many firearms I write about these are sold through “Bro’ Marketing”. A very long time ago, boys played “war”. Essentially, they carried toy guns… or sticks if they had a vivid imagination, threw dirt filled soda can grenades and learned how to imitate the sound of an automatic weapon. […]
The 243 Winchester and the Short Barrel Rifle Part II
For as much as I appreciate the metallic sights that are included with the rifle, and for as much as they might be used during hunting seasons, nothing beats a scope for assessing and developing and refining handload and rifle performance. To that end, a Leupold VX-3 2.5-8x36MM scope was […]
The 243 Winchester and the Short Barrel Rifle Part I
With a look influenced by Mannlicher styled rifles from Griffin & Howe, the Ruger International model made its first appearance during the 1968 – 1993 M77 MK I production run. The current generation was introduced in 1993 as part of the M77 MK II product line. The change to the […]
Leupold's Mark 6™ 3-18x44 Tactical Scope
The Mark 6™ 3-18×44 was the scope of choice for several very recent projects on Real Guns. It performed so well that I didn’t want to move on to other things without a little more specific mention to readers. Leupold Model Mark 6™ 3-18×44 Item Number 115292 Point of Origin […]
The Burris XTR II 3-15x-50mm Riflescope
My wife is a little annoyed with me. I was dipping chips into an open jar of hot salsa, when something small, flying and green made its way through a window screen and landed inside the open jar. So I thought for a moment, put the top back on, shook […]
Frankford Arsenal's Platinum Series Hand Deprimer
I have to admit, I do like gadgets. Nifty little machines that sometimes appear to be the product of an overactive imagination, sometimes a too elaborate solution to a simple problem and sometimes… as is the case here, a useful and adaptable tool for a somewhat specialized task. In fact, […]