09/30/2023 – Fall. All through the summer, I thought I had all the time in the world to get things done, so I kept procrastinating until… well here I am. Today was cutting down, and cutting up, standing dead trees, before winter turned them into a test of the roof’s […]
Feature Articles
Buck Mark Vision Black/Gold Suppressor Ready - Vortex Red Dot
09/30/2023 – How to make bobcat, coyote, fox, and hawk chow I don’t cry over varmints that I eliminate. Not when guilty of the crimes of damaging structures and/or getting more out of my vegetable garden than me. Until varmints can make financial restitution, they are fair game. I like […]
Ruger American® Rifle Predator 22-250 Rem Part II
I think weird weather has been having an adverse effect on local wildlife. Five raccoons, obviously members of a local, rural gang, mugged the songbird feeder three nights in a row, turning it upside down and emptying its contents onto the lawn. I would have gone out and chased them […]
Ruger American® Rifle Predator 22-250 Rem Part I
09/17/2023 – Joe, why are we being confronted by a half rack of Saint Louis ribs in a plastic container? Well, it has been a couple of tough days, and I knew you would want me to share. Trouble arrived first in the form of a ten minute haircut. TEN […]
Savage's 9mm Stance
Expanding the gun business 09/10/2023 – It is good to see Savage Arms going strong with a full product lineup; rifles, shotguns and handguns, and with a good range of models within each category. Why? Because Savage, as a large scale and long term firearm manufacturer, contributes to the overall […]
Winchester XPR Sporter Part II
Steady rain today. Good day for Dobie Gray’s “Drift Away”. Writing tends to send me off in directions not always consistent with my personal interests. However, I recognize that there is more to the job than doing as I please. Example? Why not? I have, fundamentally, circumvented the globe of […]
Goodbye Columbus. Goodbye Smith & Wesson
8/29/2023 – Jack Benny was an old time comic, old in the sense of physical age and old in the sense of a long time ago. Part of his shtick was to insist on playing the violin, loudly, persistently and badly. In his personal life, his love of the violin […]
Winchester XPR Sporter Part I
I apologize for the low quality picture of Skippy’s backhoe, Chucks trailer and a hole in the ground. All were captured by my Samsung Galaxy, too big to carry, Android phone… which otherwise meets its original purchase criteria; makes/receives calls, send/receive texts, low cost. I began excavating a hole with […]
Ruger's 41 Magnum Blackhawk Part II
08/20/2023 – I took this picture with my phone, a Samsung Galaxy something or other. It’s big, about the size of a brick, with a screen to match, and it takes truly crappy photos. Anyway, my latest home project is digging a hole… excavating as it were. While hole digging […]
Ruger's 41 Magnum Blackhawk Part I
08/20/2023 – In a world that poses the question, “Is a rifle chambered for the 30-06 Springfield sufficient for whitetail deer?”, I was elated to see a box of Winchester 41 Magnum ammunition labeled for deer and black bear hunting. Power in a small package… Ruger New Model Blackhawk Manufactured […]