02/11/2025 – Funny how, when you are closing up a shop, all of the folks who never supported the effort, or never offered a kind word on your behalf, show up to profess their heart felt concern, but mostly to see what they can get for a penny on a dollar. That one is easy, nothing. Don’t they know that pennies are out of production?
Some of the tools, dies, machines, and miscellaneous equipment have been selling on eBay. Cindy was nice enough to take that task on for me. I don’t have the patience or the people skills. Most of the inventory of ammunition and components is being given to local folks who have been around these past years and will put the material to use. Good people.
We really appreciate the folks who invested in over the years us through subscriptions. If you were an active subscriber when we froze membership and stopped billing, that would mean you have the ability to log in now, well try to put up a list soon where items will be offered for only the cost of shipping. Shipping cost will be stated up front. Payment would be by check or money order, as we closed our merchant accounts.
I’m not sure what will be on the list, but certainly component brass and bullets. Not a solicitation, money was never the Real Guns objective. I’m far too lazy and see previous reference to “Lack of people skills”. If you think of something we might have, shoot an email to cindy@realguns.com or editor@realguns.com and include your Real Guns user name. We’ll get back to you.
It has been a busy winter. Very cold, lots of snow, lots of manual labor, and politically induced head explosions. I’ve closed all but my x.com social media accounts, and have been working some personal, long time deferred projects. It has been fun and challenging.
Lots to do before the next two storms. Gas for the truck and snow blowers, diesel for the tractor, heating oil drop, propane drop for the generator and heaters… Here’s hoping for a lower price on fossil fuels.
Take care. Stay warm,
Stay safe and warm Joe. Spring will be here before we know it. Or at least I keep tell in myself that.
Hard to see it from here, but you are right. Wish it would warm up between storms so I can rake the snow off the roof. Hope you are getting a good launch into 2025.
Good to hear from you Joe. Cold here in Wisconson too.
Yes, you guys have had some serious winter weather. Stay safe.
Thanks for checking in. I’d wondered a little how things were going. Take care.
You also, David.
Ditto on the checking-in thanks. I guess I’ve been in a state of denial over the passing of Realguns; this helps. Stay well, Joe. I plan to be on my garage roof before the next round of winter, too.
Thanks, Bill. Careful on that roof.
Sorry to see you go. You’ve been a fantastic source of info for me and I really have looked forward to your articles and in general all the handloading info. When I was looking for trusted advice I knew you would provide in spades. God Bless and God’s speed.
Incredibly nice comment, John. It has been a privilege to write, learn and meet so many nice people.
Joe , I feel for you , closing out is somewhat of a hassle for sure. I’ve enjoyed your column for years & talked with your wife those times when I couldn’t seem to get my subscription squared away online.
We’ve had it easy here so far in our area of PA as far as Winter weather. That could change in March!
Anyhoo , take care & keep all the wheels ( 2 & 4 ) between the lines on the road & during property
chores keep Skippy tires down!!
Thank you Martin. Very thoughtful comments. Good PA is getting a break from this weather. Feels like winter is just getting started in Maine.
Said it before but will say it again, you will be hugely missed, Joe. For years you have been my most trusted source for firearms, accessory, and reloading information. Many of my own firearm/cartridge explorations were the direct result of your articles. I’m still eagerly awaiting your latest missive on the 7mm Mauser/275 Rigby. Hoping the snow and winter chores let up enough so that you can get to the shooting bench. We’ve had more snow in the last 2 weeks in Lexington than the previous 3 years, so can sympathize with what Maine must be getting. Stay warm & stay safe.
Very kind of you, Bill. Maybe there is one more 7×57 piece left to do. Yes, heavy snow winter. We had a few dry years, so I guess this is make up. You stay safe down there.