
At the moment, I am in Maine with my wife, visiting friends and working on our home construction project. Sometimes I need to take a break from California, get a perspective from another part of the country.
The picture to the right seemed a good illustration of what it is like to take a pro gun position in CA, worse, what it is like if you love America and all it represents. But then things are changing all over. This past week, a core group of Maine “educators” took a stand against America by publicly berating the 9 and 10 year old children of Maine National Guardsmen, parents who had been sent off on active duty to the Middle East. Unless live examples of  gross cowardice benefit a child’s development, I can’t see what these teachers have to offer and it sickens me that this misguided conduct could contaminate a public school so easily.
The real problem, where are the parents? Where are the good neighbors?  Where are the people who are suppose to protect  children from harm and instill values and sense of morality, faith in God and loyalty to country? Where is the National Guard in aggressively protecting families of the people they sent overseas to fight a war? The Guard is seeking more sensitive handling of the subject of war, Maine’s Tom Slick governor is asking that anti American slogans and education be done in a more “sensitive” manner, but certainly not that the process be stopped. Where is George Bush as public opinion supporting the war unravels, and high school drop out Martin Sheen seems to have convinced a segment of the public that Left Wing is the real government?
I’ve a lot of really nice people here. There seems to be a general theme of being non judgmental and the right for people to be whoever they want to be. I worry, however that a passive presence will allow anti American activism to flourish in these little communities, destroying them in the process. I don’t know, maybe not.
In any case, the driveway s in, the site is cleared, and a deep hole now appears in the midst of a bunch of trees, at the top of a rise, that overlooks distant mountains, lakes and wildlife.
I hope there will be some change, and we will rediscover our country and the strength to maintain its greatness. I’m hoping we will stop being a settlement, just so much land and natural resources to be taken under the guise of democracy, heavily tempered with political correctness. Today I heard a Brit explain that Frances anti American posture is of no consequence; France has created its own problems with the rest of Europe as it reached to take control of all European countries. The same gentleman explained our real anti American problem stems from within, and he was surprised that Americans couldn’t tell the difference between protestors and our home grown enemy.
When you get a moment, you might say a prayer for our men and women in uniform, and for the families they have left behind in our trust. Maybe this time we won’t let elements of our society attack the people who are off fighting for our safety and security.

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