In light of the very recent foundationless ruling by the 9th Circuit court of appeals, which declared the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional, a ruling with a logic so skewed it could easily be used to declare the Bill of Right and the Constitution itself unconstitutional, I thought I’d offer something other than information directly related to firearms. I believe Christopher Lasch did an outstanding job of illustrating the core of our nation’s problems in his book “The Revolt of the Elites”. I think his work gives plausible explanation of the results seen in the 9th Circuit ruling, at World Com, Enron, and Global Crossing and the fall of Arthur Andersen where greed mentality and lack of allegiance to our nation is sacrificing our country’s future.
The crisis we face as Americans today is not one of leadership by liberals or conservatives, Democrats or Republicans, but rather by the very real absence of leadership by anyone who retains a basic set of values consistent with our heritage, or a sense of responsibility to insure a healthy future for our country. We are being lead only by people who share a common deity, the almighty dollar. We live in perilous times.
We are a nation at war. Some of our enemies have openly announced its intentions, while other such as Saudi Arabia, claim to be our allies yet finance, support and teach hatred toward Americans and death to anyone who is not a member of Islam. For an extensive period of time, our borders have been left open to our enemies through government’s intentional avoidance of defending our physical borders, and through ultra liberal INS policy constructed to permit easy entry as a service to campaign financing foreign nationals. In addition to our enemies, our borders are being overrun by the economically disadvantaged, who come here for free medical care, to grab a piece of an already tough job market, or to stake out a piece of geography to extend their flag.
I hold the circuit court ruling up in evidence of the loss of the melting pot philosophy, and the appearance of American foreign settlements that offer nothing to this country, and place excessive demands on services manned and paid for by American citizens and responsible immigrants. If you think these are racist statement, please note that most of the execution of the dismantling of the country is at the hands of pudgy, pasty faced white male judges, who grew up in an advantaged setting, have wanted for nothing, have fought for nothing, and were appointed by the Carters and Clintons of this world.
Where is our elected leadership and why are we being betrayed? Well, Republicans love cheap labor to supply to their multinational corporate contributors, and Democrats love immigrants who overwhelmingly end up as easy to manipulate voters in urban suburban centers – that doesn’t leave much left for the mainstream middle class whose tax dollar pockets are being picked to finance the rest of the world. The next time a liberal Senator from New Mexico initiates a bill to provide compensation to health care professionals and institutions that care for illegal immigrants, try to replace his words “compassionate thing to do” with the double header of his use of public funds to channel to his heath care business cronies, and an opportunity to buy future votes from fans of borderless countries. I apologize if I seem blunt, but I am sick and tired of the drivel leading this country, and this federal court ruling was the last straw. I am tired of the preoccupation with other parts of the world, and a lack of attention being paid to improve quality of life and opportunity in this country. I look forward to a day when our President will open his mouth and utter words other than “Middle East”.
Book Info & Summary: | |||
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$10 | ![]() |
Christopher Lasch |
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W.W. Norton | ![]() |
January 1996 |
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Paperback 276pp | ![]() |
Amazon |
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