Springfield Armory's XD 4″ 357 SIG Part 2

The 357 SIG has a way of making publishers of handload data and makers of reloading equipment look like members of the U.S. Congress; they appear to come down squarely on both sides of every issue, but then looks can be deceptive. As a beltless, rimless bottle neck round, most […] [Read More]

Springfield Armory's XD 4″ 357 SIG Part I

Texas, not Massachusetts lineage I believe… The current Springfield Armory, like Henry firearms, is company that suggests a business lineage that does not really exist. It is a good marketing ploy, but one seemingly without material substance. The Springfield, Massachusetts based Springfield Depot/Armory was in operation in one form or another […] [Read More]

Handloading... A Sorted Story Part II

It was about 3 AM, I was watching the second season of Green Wing on Hulu and thinking that Michelle Gomez played the best character, when it dawned on me that I was going about proving the “Component sort and control leads to accuracy” hypothesis in a convoluted and bewildering […] [Read More]

Scoping the K31

Scoping an old military rifle is somewhat problematic for a number of reasons. The great majority were not manufactured for use with a scope and modifying an original firearm to accommodate a scope most often decreases resale value. Many of the designs for mounts that do not require permanent modification […] [Read More]

Remington's Model 700 Quicker Twister 260 Remington Part II

The subject Remington rifle is more than competent; safe, durable, reliable, and accurate. It is supposedly what 95% of the market place wants, a firearm to facilitate a hunt or a day at the range. It will serve when called upon, it will accept being put up without protest and […] [Read More]

Ten to Win! - Contest

Ten to Win – Contest! The folks at the Real Guns Store want to get people over to see the firearms and daily special they offer. Having fun seemed a good way to get that done, so are holding a contest that everyone can play. The prize is a new […] [Read More]

Remington's Model 700 Quicker Twister 260 Remington Part I

It took quite some time to become a 260 Remington fan and that status came as a result of a tangential efforts that began with the .264 Winchester Magnum and concluded with the 6.5x55mm Swede. The .264 Winchester Magnum was great fun, shooting and handloading, but too much of a […] [Read More]

The Swiss K31 Part 2

The intention was to shoot a few rounds of factory ammo to baseline accuracy, but that turned into a few boxes of factory ammo while I got a better feel for the rifle and thought about an approach to take with handloads. Recoil was light, accuracy was decent, cycling was […] [Read More]

The Swiss K31 Part 1

The term “romanticizing” surely applies to firearm enthusiasts and surplus rifles. We often take what is clearly no more than ordinary and hammer on it until it has a unique personality or it can perform acceptably. The Schmidt rifle as the Models 1911 and derivative K31, are perfect examples of […] [Read More]

Tokarev TT-C Part 2

With a few hundred rounds through the TT-C, the thought came to mind that folks who have a difficult time with this pistol fall into one of three categories; inexperienced with autoloaders, aliens from J1407b or those who have overdosed on gun forums and need something new to offer up. […] [Read More]