Sometimes, working a firearm project is like being Marlow in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness; it is just one long trip up the river with surprises at every turn. What follows is my Astra NC-6 project diary. Let’s hope it comes to a better ending than Kurtz. In the beginning… […]
Author: by ©RGI Media, Inc - Published with permission
Trigger Tweaking Ruger's Mark III Target Pistol An investment in improved accuracy
One of the most enjoyable and useful firearms, for those of us who like shooting and hunting, is the .22 LR autoloading pistol. Good recreational target models are modest in price, inexpensive to shoot and many have the potential to be highly accurate. They excel for small game hunting, refining […]
Bushnell's Elite 6500 4.5-30 x 50mm When I pick one for myself...
It takes awhile for me to make a buy decision on equipment. It isn’t a matter of procrastination, or vacillation, it is more a matter of the length of time it takes to digest and compare quantified specifications and to figure out which might be of consequence for my intended […]
Remington's VS SF II .220 Swift Part I Long Ranges and Short Spaces
I’ve been carrying a “Ten guns I’d like to own” wish list in my wallet for over fifty years. For at least some of those years the list was probably the only thing I had in my wallet, which made it retain its importance over the years. Drafted during Miss […]
Let's Keep Politics Where They Belong... In the Miss USA Pageant
I swear, more than a lot. Blue streak, ex-military…but not here, not in public places, not in front of people I don’t know, not in front of children. Those are all inappropriate places as it would expose others to something they might find personally offensive and I have no right […]
45-70 Government
Warning: Bullet selections are specific, and loads are not valid with substitutions of different bullets of the same weight. Variations in bullet length will alter net case capacity, pressure and velocity. Primer selection is specific and primer types are not interchangeable. These are maximum loads in my firearms and may […]
Dan Wesson's Commander Classic Bobtail Dear Santa... Part I
I’m a guy who spends a lot of time working on, converting and modifying 1911’s sourced from assorted and sundry far flung parts of the world. I’m use to pulling a slide and finding tree bark inside. along with raised parting lines I can measure with a ruler…maybe a yard […]
RCBS's Pro 2000 Auto Indexer There's heavy duty, and then there is HEAVY DUTY
The Real Guns’ shop is usually set up for short run load development and experimentation rather than for volume. It’s not that loads aren’t developed that serve a useful and volume demanding purpose, it’s more an issue of me getting bored after a lot of tedious short run reloading. I […]
Bullets for Heavily Armored Deer...or Bear An excuse to spend time with a good rifle
With weeks worth of project bins stacked up, my little town of Raymond, Maine preparing to rescind the private property rights of landowners…in Obamian communist party fashion and an MIA Republican Party is still lost in the wilderness and begging for donations, I decided to work on something I personally […]
Building a Low Buck Shooter - Part IV Upgrading sights, to enjoy a good stake
When I first picked up the High Standard 1911 GI, the one that has served as the mugging victim for a series of low buck upgrade projects, I couldn’t help but wonder why any company would sell a gun with a minor speed bump for a front sight. Of course, […]