Finally, a book I felt good about buying. A lot of research and thought was brought to this book, from someone with a great deal of experience to share. This is the first time in I don’t know how long that a book with a hunting title didn’t turn out […]
Author: by ©RGI Media, Inc - Published with permission
Review: Game Loads and Practical Ballistics for the American Hunter
I tend to not buy newly published firearm and hunting related books after scanning their pages and being familiar with author’s prior work. Many of the ideas and concepts expanded into a couple of hundred pages are rehashes of everything that came before and do little to advance either of […]
Review: Standard Catalog of Military Firearms
I do not have extensive military weapon experience, but I do have a collection of the more common firearms from: Germany, Russia, Sweden, Turkey and the Czech Republic. Prior to acquiring any of the firearms I purchased the accepted, popular historical reference for each and researched production numbers and dates […]
Review: German Handguns
Whenever the word “reference” is affixed to a book, the price is elevated by approximately 50%, and German Handguns isn’t an exception to the rule. Highly enhanced and expanded, but based on work done by the author 30 years ago, the book offers excellent coverage of handguns of German design […]
Review: The Gun Digest Book of Long Range Shooting
The Gun Digest Book of Long-Range shooting remained on topic right up to the first page, where it took a sharp turn and wandered into the never-never land of two guys shooting the bull about prairie dog hunting. Plaster’s The Ultimate Sniper is a meaningful book of long range shooting, […]
Review: Gunsmithing Made Easy
This is probably the easiest review I’ve written in the past couple of years. I don’t know about gunsmithing made easy, but if you like firearm related projects and work on your own firearms, buy the book. It is probably the only recent release that doesn’t treat scope adjustment as […]
Review: Technical Manual & Armorer's Course The 1911 .45 Auto - AGI DVD
After watching a number of AGI DVD’s featuring Robert Dunlap, master gunsmith, I believe I finally have a bead on the guy. He is not dry and humorless as I initially thought, he is actually droll and a bit of a mechanical nerd. More importantly, his presentation is clear, concise […]
Review: Technical Manual & Armorer's Course The AR-15 Rifle - AGI DVD
Sure, I like sorting it all out for myself as much as the next guy and I don’t like to have my creativity stifled by being forced to put each and every part into an exact mandated location. Still, a dozen or so partial or excessively complete firearms under my […]
Review: Speer Reloading Manual #14
I was relatively critical when I wrote my review of Speer #13 in 1998. Probably a shortage of roughage, because I went on the use the manual heavily. Speer #13 has been one of my top three choices for reloading manuals and one I’ve recommended frequently. It has excellent, comprehensive […]
Review: Modern Combat Pistols
The word “Impressive” is probably a good place to start. Finally, a great reference book with original work, lots of identifying photos and an absence of reproduced catalogue pages. In addition, the book’s content is actually consistent with the title and it is written and organized in a manner appropriate […]