A picture of bacon, sizzling in a frying pan was planned… but I ate it… and I do not have any more to photograph. Which is my point. Food shopping is a once each month event, because it is a 30 mile round trip to the store and because I […]
Author: by ©RGI Media, Inc - Published with permission
Prototype Project - The Rollo-Glide
11/07/2023 – New England’s Fall color presentations are not as they are often represented. Yet tourists flood the area, by land and by sea, by car, motorcycle, bus, and bicycle. They geek and gawk, stare at the red and gold leaves, as they fall from the trees, and primarily relocate […]
Marlin's Dark Series Model 1895™ Part I
11/05/2023 – Ah yes, my kingdom awaits me. The price to pay for living in the woods. I see a backpack leaf blower, and mounting the snow blower on the tractor, in my very near future. I would live nowhere else. So I am going to sit here in my […]
An old friend is coming home
10/30/2023 – Some time ago, we sent our truck down to Texas, and family, where it would be the most useful. There it has remained, well maintained and in valued service, until this week ,when an offer was made for its return. I love that truck. We bought it […]
Every Clunker Gun Is An Opportunity
10/29/2023 – How would you define fun, Joe? That is tough, because fun comes in so many forms, and what is fun to one person may not be for another. Take losing the tractor assigned garage door remote as an example of fun. I moved the little buttoned bugger from […]
John Browning's Non Magnum Opus
10/22/2023 – Well, we moved Real Guns, in its entirety, to a new service with new dedicated servers. One big 267 gigabyte tarball that went from an Intel/CentOS 7 platform to more storage and processing power AMD/ AlmaLinux 9 platform… all shiny and new. CenOS 7 ended its development life […]
Woodstockers Vs Barrel Nutters
10/15/2023 – Ah yes… the gift of Fall. An opportunity to drag 20 pieces of fossil fuel burning equipment out onto the driveway to perform preventative maintenance and season prep. Some equipment will serve over the winter, others will endure the winter in an unheated storage shed. One of the […]
Case Head Expansion Pressure Checking
10/08/2013 – There are many techniques for detecting excessive pressure within a population of handloads. Some are ineffective, none are singularly adequate, all require a good deal of subjective interpretation. Still, everyday, handloaders find safe passage, as evidenced by the number of us that still have a full compliment of […]
09/30/2023 – Fall. All through the summer, I thought I had all the time in the world to get things done, so I kept procrastinating until… well here I am. Today was cutting down, and cutting up, standing dead trees, before winter turned them into a test of the roof’s […]
Buck Mark Vision Black/Gold Suppressor Ready - Vortex Red Dot
09/30/2023 – How to make bobcat, coyote, fox, and hawk chow I don’t cry over varmints that I eliminate. Not when guilty of the crimes of damaging structures and/or getting more out of my vegetable garden than me. Until varmints can make financial restitution, they are fair game. I like […]