The problem with books dedicated to modification of a proprietary firearm is that many are dated. As and example, I recently purchased a book that was dedicated to Remington long guns, only to find the lead article addressed the topic of increased frizzen spring rates. In another case, a book […]
Feature Articles
Optimal Optics for Heavy Hitters-Bushnell's 1.25-8x32 Elite 6500
Yes, this is a gratuitous photo of my favorite rifle. Thank you for noticing. Yes, I do keep a picture of this rifle in my wallet, right next to family photos. And, yes, a picture of the same gun serves as the wall paper on my cell phone. The rifle […]
An Anthology of... minor shooting stuff Or the things waiting for a round tuit
Heavy duty cleaning for lazy guys… me I dislike cleaning guns almost as much as I dislike changing the oil in the tractor or generator. I like to build them, and I do love to shoot them… guns, not the tractor or generator, but gun cleaning can be […]
Ruger's 10/22... .22 Part I-More fun than wax lips on a duck
After what seemed like months of getting pounded by lightweight, big bore, high performance rifles, I was ready to work on a project where recoil and muzzle blast weren’t a gun’s most memorable features. The Ruger 10/22 rimfire seemed a likely candidate, even if just for curiosity sake because so […]
Geissele's Hi-Speed Super Semi-Automatic Trigger-Quick and easy upgrade for the LR-308
Putting together an LR-308 from parts and subassemblies purchased through Brownells is an excellent project for anyone who is handy with tools, who can read simple instructions and feels comfortable around mechanical things. There is a great feeling of personal satisfaction that comes with the first round fired and a […]
Remington's R-15 Xtreme Hunting Rifle Part II-Handloading the 30 Remington AR - Getting Shorty
The R-15 from Remington was found to be well mannered, accurate and a rifle particularly suited for hunting deer, antelope and similar size game. The idea of creating a .223 Remington length cartridge in .308 caliber with about twice the powder capacity was a good one, as it allows the […]
Remington's R-15 Xtreme Hunting Rifle Part I ...and the very nifty 30 Remington AR Cartridge
I’m a visionary kind of guy, which is why I predicted that natural finish stainless steel and synthetic stocks would never catch on. My logic was that stainless is too reflective for a hunting rifle and no true firearm enthusiast would ever abandon the traditional appeal of a walnut for […]
AR-10... izing an AR-15 Buffer-This Can't Be Good! Whut?
The first time I assembled an AR-10 from parts and subassemblies, I didn’t have a lot of AR-10 specific documentation and part and assembly descriptions didn’t provide all of the information required to make informed assembly decisions. When closing up, the A2 extension tube went on, as did the buffer […]
The Real Guns CZ 550 FS Goes 375 Ruger Part II-Handload Development for a Junk Yard Dog
This project concluded with a shooting session with friends, a local contractor and his Marine Corp Reservist son-in-law. I think it is safe to say everyone liked this little gun with it’s big bark and big bite. I think any time spectators hold up score cards after each shot to […]
The Real Guns CZ 550 FS Goes 375 Ruger Part I-Only Europeans really like the 9.3x62
A lot of folks skip over the idea of owning a functionally customized firearm, because they assume all custom rifles come with a price tag similar to the functional custom’s far distant cousin, the superfluously customized firearm. Personally, I’ve not had the desire to own a superfluous custom for several […]