In 1998 I bought a .338-378 Weatherby Magnum from Reed’s Sporting Goods in San Jose, California. It was the first gun of this type to arrive at the store and it was so new in dealer channels I had to wait almost two weeks before I could scrounge up some […]
Feature Articles
Review: Out of Nowhere A History of the Military Sniper
I’ve been so busy lately, it’s been difficult to commit enough time to digest the contents of a book and give it fair review. Thanks to relentless rainstorms I’ve finally had some down time. “Out of Nowhere – A History of the Military Sniper” by Martin Pegler, was a pleasure to […]
Review: New Exact Small Arms Ballistics
New Exact Small Arms Ballistics by Arthur Pejsa is an excellent book for anyone who wants to improve their longer range shooting skills, wants a better understanding of exterior ballistics or wants to develop software tools related to the same. I believe Pejsa has struck an excellent balance of common […]
Review: Safari, The Last Adventure
Well, here’ something I couldn’t imagine myself saying, I really didn’t like this Capstick title. Writing a book that provides advice for planning a Safari, or attempts to be descriptive of hunting specific game from a technical rather than story telling perspective, is tough. No matter the degree of expertise […]
Welcome to World War III Forget guns for a moment. Just get off your ass and vote!
OK Joe, why do you have a picture of your big wonkin’ head on the site, why don’t you have an upper lip and exactly how many times during the course of your life did your big mouth get your nose relocated? Glad you asked; in reverse order of […]
Review: Firearm Blueing and Browning
Like most firearm enthusiasts, I try to read as much as I can on the subject so I can develop a better understanding of firearm ownership and shooting sports. Some of the most informative books are the oldest. Hatcher’s Notebook 1947 and Franklin Weston Mann’s The bullet’s flight from powder […]
Review: Barnes Reloading Manual Number 4
I worry that companies will stop publishing hardcopy manuals, begin a central software database and sell subscriptions for online access. I like books. They remind me of a time when Americans read and authors actually wrote rather than pointing to Internet links. Barnes was nice enough to reduce my anxiety […]
Review: Black Bear Hunting
Finally, a book I felt good about buying. A lot of research and thought was brought to this book, from someone with a great deal of experience to share. This is the first time in I don’t know how long that a book with a hunting title didn’t turn out […]
Review: Game Loads and Practical Ballistics for the American Hunter
I tend to not buy newly published firearm and hunting related books after scanning their pages and being familiar with author’s prior work. Many of the ideas and concepts expanded into a couple of hundred pages are rehashes of everything that came before and do little to advance either of […]
Review: Standard Catalog of Military Firearms
I do not have extensive military weapon experience, but I do have a collection of the more common firearms from: Germany, Russia, Sweden, Turkey and the Czech Republic. Prior to acquiring any of the firearms I purchased the accepted, popular historical reference for each and researched production numbers and dates […]