The 450 Marlin is the child of convenience between the 45-70 Gov’t cartridge having great potential with pressures well in excess of the SAAMI pressure standard and manufacturers that had no modern standard to use as the basis for warranting their current firearm designs. While maturing at eighteen years of […]
Feature Articles
Ruger's SR1911 Lightweight Officer-Style 9mm
My theory on carry guns and an egg analogy… As we get older, our waistline spreads, are hips narrow and our butts disappear. In short, we begin to morph into nature’s perfect shape, the egg. Consequently, the four pound forty-four mag that once rode proudly at our waist, now progressively […]
Ruger's 10/22 Target Lite
More than a rifle, I like to think of the Ruger 10/22 Target Lite rifle as a poorly employer paid, yet exceptional vacation. My job at Real Guns pays squat, but the Target Lite is so much fun to shoot. If asked for comment, I am sure Real Guns would say, “We pay you what you are worth” and Ruger would say, “Of course the Target Lite is fun to shoot. Why do you think we make it?”. All fair points.
Ruger's 77 Series Model 77/17 17WSM
Some of the most significant firearm related information I’ve encountered came with the purchase of a spiral bound copy of Ackley’s “Handbook for Shooters and Reloaders”. Originally published in 1959, my copy was a 1961 10th printing. I was fifteen years of age; five years a shooting enthusiast, three years […]
Ruger’s No.1 in Stainless Steel and 257 Roberts Part III
Just enough time to get in some handload development before wrapping up the Ruger No.1 257 Roberts project and to update the 257 Roberts reloading page. Pictured below in the order they appear on the table. Warning: Bullet selections are specific, and loads are not valid with substitutions of different […]
Smith and Wesson's Performance Center Model 19 Carry Comp
OK, I like double action revolvers. There is always a round in the chamber inline with the barrel and point and squeeze the trigger are pretty easy operating instructions to remember even under the most stressful conditions. When well done, as is the case with this S&W Performance Center Model […]
Either a 338 Ultra Mag… or a Nifty Paperweight Part 7
When the barreled action was completed and finish chambered in “Either a 338 Ultra Mag… or a Nifty Paperweight Part 6“. The intention was to make some decisions regarding final finish and stocking, but that will take some time and I wanted to shoot the rifle as soon as possible. […]
Either a 338 Ultra Mag… or a Nifty Paperweight Part 6
So now that we are mostly a membership site, we are always looking for ways to promote membership, which usually means giving away stuff we can hardly afford. This AM, I walked in the shop wearing a T shirt, Cargo shorts and sneakers and jumped when someone took my picture. […]
Savage 110 Hog Hunter Part 2
I’m thinking there must have been a time when weekends meant road trips and sight seeing or maybe even a little relaxing, but the memories are too distant to form clearly in my recollections. Those days must have existed in a very narrow window of family life between too young […]
Savage 110 Hog Hunter Part 1
Chipmunks – Micro or Macro aggressors? My wife loves to watch the chipmunk families that live under the shop and along the property boundary stone fences. They scamper with their tails up like antennas, they pause and sit on their haunches to test the wind like a community of meerkats, […]