If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a thousand pictures, which makes RCBS Videos valuable for anyone considering reloading or bullet casting, or who has an interest in developing an understanding of these activities. I recently spent quite a bit of time looking at […]
Author: by ©RGI Media, Inc - Published with permission
Review: Big Bore Rifles and Cartridges
The clip on the Wolf site notes next to this book, “Definitive book on large calibers from 8mm to .600 Nitro with more than 60 chapters containing load tables and commentary on the guns and cartridges. The best book ever done on big bores!” Not really, actually, not at all. […]
Review: Machining Fundamentals: From Basic to Advanced Techniques
When I began to putter around with some of my own firearm repairs and upgrades, minor projects – nothing serious, I started picking up related shop and repair manuals and, later, video training tapes. One of the more favorable byproducts of exposure to this type of information was that it […]
Review: Barnes Reloading Manual #3
Barnes publishes a different type of manual than other bullet manufacturers. Barnes manuals predominately serve experienced handloaders who wish to use Barnes bullets; the manuals lack the depth of handloading process information, and defined concepts or illustration of internal ballistics found in Hornady or Speer manuals. The 62 page section […]
Review: Handloading for Competition
I buy every major component manufacturers reloading manual and constantly review web sites operated by the same. Once is a great while, I’ll also buy manuals that are not produced by the usual suspects; A Square manual or P.O. Ackley’s old stuff – come to think of it, I’ve only […]
Review: Propellant Profiles 4th Edition
I know, how do I get to sleep at night after reading these exciting titles? Actually, this is an interesting book with a lot of useful information for the handloader. A compilation of powder related articles that appeared in Handloader Magazine from 1966 – 1998, in the world of smokeless […]
Review: Twentieth Century Small Arms
I frequently receive e-mail from site visitors who need help identifying specific firearms, or I often find myself reading articles that reference military firearms I am not familiar with, and would like to be able to put them in some sort of historical context. So when ever I have the […]
Review: Cartridges of the World 9th Edition
For anyone who has not seen this series of books, they are great. The product is very professionally put together, effectively illustrated and accurate in presentation of information. The 9th edition represents more of the same. Each cartridge has a full history and description, is illustrated in black and white […]
Review: AGI - Custom Barreling Bolt Action Rifles, Armorer's Course
American Gunsmithing Institute of Napa California produces a great deal of firearm related training material; some aimed at the developing professional gunsmith, some for the armorer who is responsible for the general maintenance of firearms in his charge, and some for the firearm enthusiast. As training material, AGI’s “Custom Barreling” […]
Review: American Hunting Rifles
American Hunting Rifles is not a new book, it was published in 1995, however it is a very relevant book filled with an overabundance of useful information. I think anyone contemplating a new rifle, experienced or inexperienced enthusiast, would benefit greatly from being familiar with this book’s contents. The book […]