This is a terrific book. Early on I arrived at the conclusion the 1992 original publication date (3rd edition Feb 2000 release) did not pose an obsolescence problem, and the firearm and cartridge selections offered by the author were all still completely valid. There have been few significant firearms developments […]
Author: by ©RGI Media, Inc - Published with permission
Review: Ammo & Ballistics
Well, for starters the cover is a light blue and has slightly different graphics. First posted on Amazon for November shipment, the book finally made it to printing and shipping in January, 2000. The book is nothing more, or less, than a very comprehensive list of factory loads and related […]
Review: RCBS.Load Ballistic Software - Real Guns Software Review
Software needs to be worked with for awhile before an honest opinion can be formed. Software may seem awkward to use only because of a different type pf platform interface; PC vs. Mac, Windows vs. X Window, etc. It may take a little time to build experience and prejudices. Extraneous […]
Review: To Keep and Bear Arms - Real Guns Book Review
On a very recent birthday I received three music CD’s from my children and their respective spouses; Natalie Merchant, Fiona Apple and Santana. I assume I periodically send mixed signals. After reading To Keep and Bear Arms, I could probably say the same for Joyce Lee Malcom, which would suggest […]
Review: The Story of the Gun - the complete history of firearms - Real Guns Video Review
The best way to describe the quality of “The Story of the Gun”, would be to say I had planned to VCR fast forward through various sections of the tape, and write a summary of the production. Instead, I ended up sitting in front of a TV for a record […]
Review: The Thompson/Center Contender Pistol : How to Tune, Time, Load, and Shoot for Accuracy
I picked up a copy of this book because I own several T/C’s and the title offered suggestion that there would be things of interest inside. What I actually found was that late term paper with lots of fillers and off topic verbosity designed to make 10 or 12 pages […]
Review: Load From A Disk - Real Guns Software Review
I’ve been using Load From a Disk for awhile now, almost a year, and I use it primarily for reality checks. It appears to be very close in estimating anticipated performance, and it gives some insight into probable pressure levels and some cross reference to powder types and loads. I’ve […]
Review: Hatcher's Notebook
I’ve gone through this book numerous times, still using it for reference every now and then. I guess there is always value in the various ballistic equations, but I probably like the firearms fundamentals and the sense of history conveyed. Looking through the pages, published in 1947 – last updated […]
Review: Brownells Catalog Number 51 1998-1999
At a time when there seem to be fewer quality organizations servicing firearms related markets, Brownells stands head and shoulders above the rest. When they say their catalog contains 26,000 accessories, that means they stock and support 26,000 items. I can’t remember placing an order for any item that was […]
Review: Abridged Edition - Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading
This is a tough one to describe. Hornady makes really good products and their prices are typically on the low end. making almost anything they sell a value. I’m not sure I understand the intended purpose of this abridged version of their two book manual set. I have the full […]