Speer Reloading Manual #13 has four more rifle loads and three less handgun loads than #12. A section was added addressing Cowboy Action Shooting, and this is reflected in the loading data changes. Unfortunately, not much else is, which makes the new manual appear dated. Rifle adds: […]
Author: by ©RGI Media, Inc - Published with permission
Review: Wildcat Cartridges, Combo Edition
Wildcat Cartridges is a compilation of excellent quality articles from Handloader andRifle Magazines, starting with .14 calibers, covering both rifle and handgun loads. More than a static list of loads, the book provides a great deal of insight into powder and bullet types and suppliers, various case designs relating to […]
Review: Understanding Ballistics
This is one of those books that offers essentially whatever you’d like to extract from it. It clearly answers the question, “How much recoil would be generated, by a 50 BMG round necked down to .338, and stuffed with a 300 grain Sierra Match bullet ?” However, it will also […]
Review: Handloader's Manual of Cartridge Conversions
I frequently get e-mail from people who are looking for obsolete cartridges brass, or loaded ammo. Unfortunately, with the exception of those cartridges resurrected by cowboy action shooting, there are fewer outlets for this type of product and the material is very expensive when it can be found. “The Handloader’s […]
Review: Pistolsmithing - Real Guns Book Review
This book is representative of an unfortunate growing trend with national book retailers. It’s marked up to a price above retail, and listed as special order from Barnes & Noble with delivery in 3 – 5 weeks. Actually, the book is in wide distribution, readily available and can be purchased […]
Review: Big Bore Six Guns
I bought this book after buying my Ruger .45 Colt and completing a lot of grunt research on the single action revolver. Probably would have been a good book to get prior to purchasing because it offers a broad look at big bore six-guns, both single and double action, although […]
Review: Cartridges of the World, 8th Edition - Real Guns Book Review
Cartridges of the World is one of those books that ends up with bent corners and coffee stains on the pages, it gets used a lot. It’s an excellent reference work. There may be some obscure cartridges that are missed, but considering it covers 6mm shot shells, the 5.5mm Velo […]
Review: The Last Ivory Hunter - The Saga of Wally Johnson
I bought the book when I was doing research on cartridges originating during the early to mid 1900’s, that were used in African hunting. After about 15 minutes of reading, I was back in Ms. Conahan’s junior high school homeroom class, reading stories of African Adventures from a book tucked […]
Review: Gunsmithing: Pistols & Revolvers
For the price, this is a pretty good reference book. There were some sections that were of questionable merit, as an example, 50+ pages dedicated to a manufacturers index, many with no direct relationship to the topic at hand. As an example, is a listing for a knife manufacturer really […]
Review: Classic Sporting Rifles
This is not the type of book you want to pick up after eating a tuna sandwich, or leave on a work bench next to an open bottle of nitro solvent. It isn’t the type of book to buy if you measure your reading pleasure by pounds of pages of […]