03/12/2023 – When the original reloading press tray 1.0 was constructed, above, there was no intention to rest on our laurels. More so, we were surprised, after extensive research, that laurels was not a metaphor for “butt”. The process goes something like this. Get an idea, turn it into something […]
Feature Articles
The 45 Automatic +P Trail Gun
I will leave the roles of Alaskan homesteader and subsistence hunting to others who actually live those realities. Rural living, at least in my area, is certainly not the same. Anytime a person lives within an hour round trip to a Hannaford, they are not in a survival setting. For […]
M&P 15 Volunteer XV Pro M-Lok & The 6mm ARC Parte Terza - Conclusione
03/07/2023 – In Maine, it is never good to say that winter is coming to an end and sunshine will soon follow… for a couple of reasons. The first, it will jinx this happy ending and it will snow until June. Second, men should never phrase the weather with such […]
M&P 15 Volunteer XV Pro M-Lok & The 6mm ARC Seconda Parte
03/05/2023 – “Yesterday”, and the rest of the 1965 Paul McCartney lyrics that follow, express the day. This scene was a black top driveway, patches of green lawn and woodland. The town was out posting roads in anticipation of spring thaw. The daytime temperature was 40°F. But that was then […]
Discover Card to Begin Tracking Gun Purchases in April
M&P 15 Volunteer XV Pro M-Lok & The 6mm ARC Prima Parte
I want to build a 33 Willys pro street car but, for the life of me, I am not sure for what purpose? Pick up groceries or mail? Drive to New Hampshire to the nearest NHRA track and bracket race? If it breaks, how would I get back? Do I […]
The Winchester Model 1886
02/19/2023 – Optimizing combinations is essential to devising a system that is greater than the sum of its parts. Aristotle? Sure. Why not? Or… or… we can go with what is before me, spicy pork rinds and Swiss cheese. The pork rinds are tasty and have virtually zero carbs. However, […]
Uberti's 1873 Cattleman II El Patrón Competition
Sometimes I feel nostalgic, longing for the good old days. Why? I don’t know for sure, but the desire to do so typically follows opening an envelope containing a property tax bill, or making a payment for heating oil, or buying diesel for the tractor… or watching cable news. Sometimes, […]
Best Cartridge In The World! Maybe In The Universe!
02/05/2023 – If you’d like to skip the long winded winter fitness soliloquy, feel free to jump to the sub title “Best Cartridge In The World? Maybe In The Universe?”. Otherwise… It had been a very difficult week. The plan was to set up a small (AKA cheap) home gym […]
Proof Positive Ruger Makes An Excellent AR
01/29/2023 – So, another day in Maine, another snow storm. Not bad… a little bit like playing Pacman with a snowblower. Today was a break. A day to reflect, stop whining and get the right mindset for tomorrow’s storm, which should dump another 14″ of snow. Funny how snow on […]