You’ll rarely see my picture in the pages of real guns. I always think it is kind of silly when I see articles with images of the author prominently plastered throughout. Sometimes I include a photo on RG when I say something critical and I don’t want people to think […]
Feature Articles
45-70 Gov't - Cast Bullet Handloads Ruger No. 1 and Marlin 1895 Guide Gun
If there was anything notable about the day, I would have to say that would be the fog. First it rolled in, closing all the shooting positions, then it rolled out, and all positions were open. Then it rolled in again during a break for target check and, while it […]
What I Really Meant to Say Was...
Bang !…Err, Bang! Bang! Nope, just not the same without the rest of the parts. Pictured, left, are the remains of my Taurus 44 Mag. No, the rest didn’t blow up or fall off, the frame was sitting at Hogue having a set of Pau Ferro grips fit to the […]
Everything I know About Shotguns... Part 4 Baseline range day or...where did my shoulder go?
With a handload plan in place, it was time to collect some baseline data from the Mossberg so I would know if my handloads would actually offer improved performance, or if I would have to lie. So we packed up the gear and headed up to Los Altos Rod and […]
Everything I know About Shotguns... Part 3 in 500 words or less
I didn’t leave the country, I’ve just been grappling with the mechanics of handloading for shotguns. Shotgunners apparently forgot to check in with the metallic cartridge bunch before venturing into handloading, so they have their own: vocabulary, sort of similar methods and a rather disconcerting way of discouraging people from […]
Everything I know About Shotguns... Part 2 in 500 words or less
Approximately 3.3 million firearms of all types and for all purposes were produced in this country in 2003, the last year reported through the Treasury Department. This number does not include fully automatic firearms, or imported firearms. Approximately 22% of the 3.3 million were shotguns. Apparently, that 22% group didn’t […]
Everything I know About Shotguns... Part 1 in 500 Words or Less
Some of the benefits of being a firearm enthusiast are exposure to new technology, the never ending stream of new products and the number of disciplines that track to various types of firearms. A shooter who grows weary of rifles can switch to handguns, or muzzle loaders, or long range […]
Maine - Home For Awhile
Headed home for awhile. It feels like we’ve been gone forever, but for very good reasons; lots of family time and the birth of our fifth grandchild took us to Texas and California. It will be nice for awhile to sit in one spot. I understand the weather in Maine […]
The 357 SIG and Lee Precision's Factory Crimp Die Confessions of a Handloading Snob
I was a handful of sentences into this story and on my way toward making a wise crack about Lee Precision products, when I realized how hypocritical I’ve been when it comes to that company’s products. I’d gotten into the habit of pigeon holing them as a supplier of cheap […]
This past Saturday, our eldest grandson Eric received the sacrament of Reconciliation. In our faith, Roman Catholic, it means to confess all sins and to ask God for, and hopefully receive, absolution. For this nine year old, confession lasted about a thirty seconds, beginning and ending with tricking his little […]