An update and interim article – I wanted to select bullets that would function properly in feed and ejection cycles and expand properly at elevated velocity. A week into the process I realized I had no way to make that determination prior to completing the project, so I did what […]
Feature Articles
The Last Shadow - America's Legacy
This morning my wife and I headed to the range. I needed to fire form some 17-357 RGI brass for a new die set I am having made, everything I had on hand had been loaded or at least had already been sized and wouldn’t reflect true chamber dimensions. I […]
Hyper .45 ACP Loads and the .45 Thuper Revisited Part I
I like writing about higher than SAAMI pressure cartridge loads. The response always begins with knee jerk reactions, then immediately deteriorates into an emotional issue, rife with illogical arguments and lots of insults cast from afar. I don’t know why. It’s sort of like when people are ordinarily great drivers, […]
The ProVision Borescope Bore inspection for under $175
One of the most critical aspects of a firearm, in terms of accuracy and consistent shot placement, is the condition of the gun’s bore. Unfortunately, the high price of a borescope capable of proper inspection has kept this tool out of reach for most of us. I believe Chicago Miniature […]
The Ultimate Woods Rifle - Part II
The 30-30 Winchester ( .30-30 WCF, 30 Winchester and 7.62x51Rmm) has been around since 1895. How many exciting discoveries can be made through aggressive handloading? In terms of velocity, probably none. 150 grain bullets will max at about 2,350 fps, 170 grain loads perhaps 150 fps less. Even light 100 […]
The Ultimate Woods Rifle - Part III
Whew! These articles don’t come without some serious sacrifice. A few hundred rounds of ammo through the new Winchester and I was left almost totally disabled. I’ve had M1 thumb, I’ve never had Model 94 thumb…until now. The only reason I’m mentioning the injury here is because my wife said […]
The Ultimate Woods Rifle - Part I
There is a lot to be said for simple machines that accomplish an objective, including those machines used for: hunting, informal target shooting and consumption of handloads. I get a kick out of hunting articles that run through the process of – “I glassed the slopes with my binoculars and […]
The Jennings JS-50X Pocket Scale What costs $29 and works?
Lately I’ve noticed a rash of small electronic scales that advertise half or even one grain accuracy for typical charge levels. They don’t hide this little tidbit, they put the claim in bold letters under a headline and follow along behind the words with several exclamation points and maybe a […]
Real Guns Goes Rambo ...on Everybody's Ass The S&W Soft Air Shotgun
My wife and I are not the most well adjusted mature couple. The problem is we have grandchildren and often find ourselves, out of necessity, thinking from their perspective. So when we saw a Big 5 ad for a S&W soft air shotgun, we concurrently decided it would be a […]
Barnes Triple-Shock X Bullets Part II - Conclusion
It’s not like I’m lazy, honest. I intended to wrap this up a couple of weeks ago. Then I ran into Christmas shopping, I had to order some more bullets, two of the test firearms needed scope installation, I think I was coming down with a cold, and my dog […]