Assuming there is a valid reason for publications to always include a picture of the author with articles, I’ve decided to upgrade Real Guns and follow suit. You can see by the look of surprise on my face, time spent with the Oehler Model 43 playing “How much pressure do […]
Feature Articles
The Model 1895G Part III "A little gun with a lot of attitude"
The 1895G is truly an interesting firearm, and perhaps one with a split personality. The dominant trait? Accuracy. I was a person who believed lever gun groups could only be measured in feet. I struggled with an old Marlin 336 .30/30 to keep most of the lead in a 6″ […]
The Model 1895G Part II - Handloads for the .45-70
But first, the un45-70, the .450 Marlin I was preparing a list of loads I would work up for the .45-70, and I wanted to get a better feel for the pressure dynamics of both the .45-70 and .450 Marlin, get a better understanding of the relationship between the two […]
The Model 1895G Part I - The boomer gets a scope
Okay, I’m way overdue on finishing “Reloading the .257 WM…in excruciating detail Part III”. I do have a prepared statement to read in my defense – “I did complete Part II but, by the time I got to Part III, I fell asleep at the keyboard”. The .257 Weatherby is […]
A Day at the Range
The following is an independent submission to Real Guns and does not reflect the views or opinions of Real Guns. There is a brief Real Guns Editorial perspective at the close – Every six months or so, when the mood strikes me, I like to take my guns down to […]
The RCBS Precision Mic Set
First of all, I’d like to apologize for any oddly placed images or text. I have switched over to a Logitech ergonomic trackball…ergo, I frequently switch off my PC accidentally where the actual intent was to copy and paste. I have great confidence, however, that I can stick with it […]
The Ridgecrest Gun Range Association
I have a friend, Judith, who always finds time to get involved in helping neighbors and other good causes, even though she works within a chaotic and time demanding profession, even though she is a very active and successful participant in competitive shooting. Her causes aren’t small, they all require […]
Reloading the .257 Weatherby excruciating detail Part II
Another word on case inspection It pays to be observant when firing off rounds that will make their way into the reloading process as empty casings. Dented cases and deformed rims, cartridges that are difficult to chamber or extract, and cases with primer leaks all warrant an extra close look […]
Reloading the .257 Weatherby excruciating detail Part I
If someone rolls into my driveway with a 1968 Fairlane Torino, in search of a pickle fork to repair a broken ball joint, I’ve got the situation covered. Fortunately, or unfortunately, my collection of esoteric tools has also carried over to my reloading activities, at least to the point I […]
The .45 ACP, GAP, SAP
When I first read the May issue of Shooting Times, with its cover .45 GAP headline “GAP Wins!” and related article, I thought “Neat, a new low water mark for how far a publication will go to sell guns and ammo for manufacturers. Within the “apple to apple” comparisons, Shooting […]