I while back, I wrote an article comparing RCBS Uniflow and Hornady Lock n’ Load powder measures. Included was some analysis of the charge throwing consistency, or lack of consistency, demonstrated by each. Almost immediately, I received an e-mail, advising me to buy a Harrellmeasure, indicating the product is dead […]
Feature Articles
What's killing the firearms industry ? Well, maybe the firearms industry
It’s interesting to watch the dynamics of people involved in the ownership and sale of firearms. They hunker down in defense against the government, point to anti-gun politicians, warn of developing local and federal legislation, preach paranoia, and turn a blind eye to the industry’s basic problems; public apathy or […]
Los Altos Rod and Gun Club
Typically, I travel up to Lake Chabot when I need outdoor range facilities. It’s a nice place to shoot and an expansive facility, but the distance and time required for travel doesn’t make for a spontaneous outing when free time becomes available. Checking on the “Where to Shoot” […]
Big Bore Sixguns
I always liked Elmer Keith stories and I liked that hats he always wore. With articles dating back to the 1920’s, each passing year brought bigger stories and bigger hats. He achieved a level of integrity, or at least was viewed as having a level of integrity, few men […]
Passing gas, air rifles and intra office plinking
High powered rifles are very loud. Consequently, shooting them requires lots of space, and rifle ranges aren’t typically constructed next to the local in-town dry cleaners, or neighborhood McDonalds….although events within some urban centers may suggest otherwise. A trip to our closest high power rifle range, Chabot Gun Club represents […]
Before we get started....
We signed up as a Barnes and Noble Affiliate. Certainly not a big deal, but I have been purchasing a lot of books lately, and I quickly began to understand how aggravating that process can be. Some books look great on-line, then arrive with the appearance of a third grade […]
New for 2003, Winchester's long awaited .450 WSM
In keeping with the current trend of “short and stubby is good”, Winchester will release a .450 WSM as a replacement within the market niche that rendered the .458 Winchester obsolete. The .450 WSM has got gun writer’s buzzing, early comparisons to even Weatherby’s 224 Rocket indicate the .450 WSM […]
The incredible morphing Weatherby
I believe guns are purchased for two reasons, those selected out of necessity and with purpose, and those that are selected strictly for enjoyment and are not required to meet a practical test of usefulness. Buying a gun that meets the first objective is easy, the second is tough, and […]
Inertia at rest
It takes a lot for me to get restarted when I’ve been inactive for awhile, not unlike Art Carney’s portrayal of Ed Norton on “The Honeymooners”; the ceremonial repetitious pulling up of sleeves, lots of tentative reaching hand motion and cautious testing approaches, yet somehow never quite getting on with […]
357 SIG handload reliability...controlling headspace
This week’s article covers .357 SIG headspacing, and if it is controlled at the shoulder or case mouth. I found it was very easy to meet the overall case length spec, and still have a high frequency of misfires as a result of excessive headspace. But first… Rack ’em up […]