My wife and I are currently flopped on the living room sofa and on the verge of serious napping. The effects of Saturday lawn mowing and dethatching and tree planting. There are only so many attachments that can be hung on a tractor before manual labor rears its ugly head. […]
Feature Articles
Ruger's LC9s Stainless
For folks who wonder what the appeal of a subcompact 9mm pistol might be; small enough to not get left behind and powerful enough for meaningful self defense. In the case of the Ruger LC9s, both benefits are served well. To illustrate that point, this review includes an overview of […]
Ruger's Redhawk Colt 45
I like my old sofa. It is broken in, shaped like my butt, and it isn’t the end of the world when it is subjected to spills. Unfortunately, due to a planned summer visit from our grown children and their respective families, my wife opted out of enduring the “humiliation” […]
The Year of the Well
This was the year of the well. Our well water was cold, refreshing and there was plenty of it. Still, ten years in use and with granular ledge and silt showing up in the house filter, having the water tested by a certified lab seemed to be a good idea. […]
"Big" just keep getting bigger..............
News Bulletin: Fajen on the auction block For a company that obviously has to manage a huge inventory, Brownells seems to always have everything in stock. I keep hoping they’ll get that online order site going so I can place orders during off hours. In the interim, the large, […]
Hope people don’t mind my inserting these comments before the primary article each week. I have no special arrangements with any of the companies, and I think I’m not much different that you in running across my share of companies that are good to do business with, and those that […]
How to talk yourself into reloading Part 2
This past week I said I would move on to cover specific equipment selection. I started my research with one reloading manual, then another, until I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted, and why. I selected manufacturer’s books, like Speer and Hornady, but also independent publications not […]
If you don't think you need to vote, you may just be stupid.
If you wonder why every TV show promotes wonderful stories about John Kerry, why Leno sounds like he is holding a Kerry Rally, as do Letterman and Fox News, keep in mind all major networks and cable channels have publicly announced their support of John Kerry. Ask yourself, how did […]
The Seven Project Part I
A new rifle typically holds my full attention for a few days. Once I’ve walked through it’s unique features, it becomes of more routine interest and I’ll shift gears to cartridge development. This time I’ve been having a lot of fun with the little Remington and I’ve held on to […]
The Winchester Repeating Arms Model 1892 Part 2
After spending time with a number of replica products, it was nice to spend some time shooting a gun marked with the Winchester brand. The most obvious difference was pulling the Winchester from its box and finding a new firearm in perfect condition; form, fit and function. This is a […]