At the conclusion of Part II, the High Standard GI 1911 had been fitted with a lightweight trigger and upgraded with a new disconnector, hammer and sear. A light mainspring had also been installed. The end result was a clean, light trigger pull and greatly reduced trigger bounce. Five shot […]
Author: by ©RGI Media, Inc - Published with permission
Building a Low Buck Shooter - Part II A Trigger modification
With a spiffy new lightweight trigger in place, it seemed only fair that better trigger function should follow. The work outlined below does not require the services of a gunsmith, but it does require: access to good information (see Part 1 referenced sources), the ability to follow instructions and a good […]
Building a Low Buck Shooter - Part I Step 1 - Find a good country western radio station
It’s not that I don’t enjoy looking at $5,000 Ed Brown, Les Baer and Wilson Combat works of art, it’s just that I’m probably never going to own one. I’d be too tempted to shoot it, or maybe put it in a holster and ruin its finish. More to the […]
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses Getting out to the range isn't as difficult as you may think
After living in Central Texas with my wife & daughter for the past three years, I had yet to visit one of the many indoor & outdoor shooting ranges that populate the area. A list of excuses have brought me to this point, and I have to admit that most […]
Remington's Model 700 CDL 300 Ultra Mag Part II Is the .300 Ultra Mag better than the Rolling Stones?
I was sitting at my desk, morning stubble on my face, a cup of coffee in my hand, trying to think how to best put Remington‘s .300 Ultra Mag into proper context. In 1969, I was having a few beers down on BC Street in Okinawa with friends, when I […]
Remington's VS SF II .220 Swift Part II
You may find this difficult to believe, but sometimes I run out of thoughts… and then I run out of words… and then I find myself half way through an article, staring at the flat screen with both hands poised on the keyboard, thinking, “Wow! This is crap”. I had a […]
Remington's Model 700 CDL 300 Ultra Mag Part I The Ultra Mag Chronicles
I was sitting at my desk, looking out of the shop window into the woods, and wondering exactly what kind of big, bushy, snarling mammal had just dragged a wild turkey down into a hole under a nearby birch tree. Living in Maine, home to Stephen King, can be interesting. […]
My First Trip to Texas: A guide for the non-resident hunter
In the pre-dawn hours I made my way to a Texas-style deer stand – a first for me. The stand, a small, wooden building sat on a hill overlooking a brushy, creek-bottom. This was my first White-tailed deer hunt other than the Coues variety found in my home state of […]
240 Weatherby
Warning: Bullet selections are specific, and loads are not valid with substitutions of different bullets of the same weight. Variations in bullet length will alter net case capacity, pressure and velocity. Primer selection is specific and primer types are not interchangeable. These are maximum loads in my firearms and may […]
Remington's Take on the .257 Weatherby Part II Handloading the .257 Weatherby Magnum
The weather has been miserable. This morning, when I put out the chronograph, the wind chill factor was -25°F, which meant swapping in warm batteries every fifteen minutes or so…both for me and the chronograph. Snow plowing was required to clear a path to targets and the wind was blowing […]